The MicronEye has several operating modes. The command byte is organized as follows:


Bit 7

Always 1

Bit 6

Always 1

Bit 5

0 = Even rows and columns only (ALTBIT)

1 = All pixels in array (NOALTBIT)

Bit 4

0 = Double send each pixel (WIDEPIX)

1 = Send normally (NARROWPIX)

Bit 3

0 = 7-bit data bytes for Apple (7BIT)

1 = 8 data bits per byte (8BIT)

Bit 2

0 = transmit 1 array (1ARRAY)

1 = transmit upper and lower array (2ARRAY)

Bit 1

0 = refresh instead of soak (REFRESH)

1 = soak instead of refresh (SOAK)

Bit 0

0 = Send the requested image (SEND)

1 = Don't send -- soak or refresh (NOSEND)



Bit 0

Always 1

Bit 1

Always 1

Bit 2

0 = Even rows and columns only (ALTBIT)

1 = All pixels in array (NOALTBIT)

Bit 3

0 = Double send each pixel (WIDEPIX)

1 = Send normally (NARROWPIX)

Bit 4

0 = 7-bit data bytes for Apple (7BIT)

1 = 8 data bits per byte (8BIT)

Bit 5

0 = transmit 1 array (1ARRAY)

1 = transmit upper and lower array (2ARRAY)

Bit 6

0 = refresh instead of soak (REFRESH)

1 = soak instead of refresh (SOAK)

Bit 7

0 = Send the requested image (SEND)

1 = Don't send -- soak or refresh (NOSEND)