French United Crackers Klan / Miami Software
The F.U.C.K. will remain one of the most famous French groups with the FTA. If, originally, the group intends itself for cracks and for writing small utilities (the copier in text mode FuckSmith, or the compilation of commercial utilities under the name Coke Utilities), the development of much more ambitious software arrives in 1990. The first productions of the F.U.C.K. are just like those of that period, like those of Sergeant Claude. We find slide shows (Tiger Slide Show, Follies Two) and small graphic demos (Canal Fuck). It is the mandatory time for learning how the machine differs from the Apple II. The years 1987-1989 will be the best years for software cracking which are better and better protected. The F.U.C.K. will be competed after this date by the GSA. The programmers begin to master really the IIgs, and games like Alien Mind mark the beginning of the arrival of the quality games on our machine.
From 1990 arrives the software which will make the F.U.C.K. famous not only in France but also abroad. The copier ZZCopy, the graphic version of FuckSmith and big rival of Photonix, admits the group in the production of quality software. No domain is forgotten because, after a utility, it is a slide show with 3200 colors images (the most beautiful ever realized, 5 diskettes) and a graphic animation with two diskettes of Hot Cookies (erotic animations) that are approached. The 3200 colors images were converted with one of their software (IffConverter) which they had developed but which they have never distributed until now.
The last domain to which the group dedicated itself was the realization of games with adaptation of former games coming from the 8-bit Apple II. Reversal was the GS version of Reversi (software of Othello), Space Cluster is the adaptation of Galaxian, Space Shark, that of Stargate and finally Sensei, of International Karate. The adaptations were generally very successful with the exception of Space Shark where it is necessary to admit that if the realization was irreproachable, the game was unplayable.
That version was sold by the company ToolBox and marked the will of the group to market their software (as the FTA with Photonix II). In this opportunity, the games were not any more signed under the name of the F.U.C.K. (because associated with hacking) but under the label Miami Software (with a logo taken from the bottles of Malibu. The word F.U.C.K. was kept for non-commercial works as slide shows or demos.
The game Teenage Queen (software of strip poker) was not adapted from an Apple II software but from an Atari ST version (from where the graphics were taken). The F.U.C.K. thus reprogrammed the IIgs version of a ST software and they visited ERE Informatique (French publisher of the software on ST, Amiga and PC) to present them the IIgs version and ask if they were interested to publish it. People from ERE Informatique saw arriving a version of one of their software for which they had not asked and explained to the F.U.C.K. that they were not interested in a IIgs version and that they would not publish it. The F.U.C.K. thus met with a IIgs version which nobody wanted and which could not be published because the rights were owned by ERE Informatique.
Meanwhile, Teenage Queen and Space Shark (sold by ToolBox) were cracked and distributed by a pirate band named The Blasters. The pirate group (the F.U.C.K.) now pirated is a funny thing. The two software are the only ones where we can see a signature of The Blasters (not of very good taste besides: swastikas and the other Nazi symbols). It is a fictitious group, invented by them in order to distribute their 'commercial' software. All the references (text of the scrolling, the used pen names, logos) reminded of an American group but that was fake.

- Members
- Einstein 2
- MK V / Lucky Process
- Tiger
- Jansky
- Charlie Dos
- Gold GS
- Bob Chip
- Cracks
- 1988 - Bubble Ghost
- 1988 - Chess Master 2100
- 1988 - Pirates !
- 1988 - Strip Poker II
- 1989 - Alien Mind
- 1989 - Arkanoid II (Fix)
- 1990 - Tunnels of Armageddon

- Demos
- 1987 - Canal FUCK : Only For Your Eyes
- 1987 - Music on the beach, volume 1 - Genetic dreams
- 1988 - Music on the beach, volume 2 - Ghost buster
- 1988 - Music on the beach, volume 3 - Miami Vice (TV series)
- 1988 - 4th dimension v1
- 1989 - Hot shot movie
- 1990 - Hot cookies I
- 1990 - Hot cookies II

- Games
- 1989 - Reversal
- 1990 - Space Cluster
- 1990 - Space Shark
- 1990 - Teenage Queen
- 1991 - Sensei

- 5.25" to 3.5" adaptation
- 4/1990 - Prince of Persia

- Slide shows
- 1987 - Digit AppleExpo
- 1987 - Tiger slide show
- 1988 - Tiger slide show 2
- 1988 - Follies two
- 1988 - Wet dreams
- 1989 - Compilation volume 1
- 1989 - Compilation volume 2
- 1989 - Compilation volume 3
- 1989 - Compilation volume 4
- 1990 - Pictures 3200 volume 1
- 1990 - Pictures 3200 volume 2
- 1990 - Pictures 3200 volume 3
- 1990 - Pictures 3200 volume 4
- 1991 - Pictures 3200 volume 5

- Source code
- Hot Cookies
- Sensei
- Space Cluster
- Space Shark
- Teenage Queen v0.91
- ZZ Copy
- Merlin source code
- Source code volume 1
- Source code volume 2
- Source code volume 3
- Source code volume 4

- Utilities
- 1988 - DigitKit
- 1988 - FuckSmith v2.42
- 1989 - Coke Utilities (v3.5 & v4.2)
- 1989 - Deverminator II
- 1990 - Einstein Work Disk
- 1990 - FUCK kit v1 (GS/OS)
- 1990 - FUCK kit v2 (GS/OS)
- 1990 - FUCK utilities v2
- 1990 - ZZCopy (v1.60, v1.71 & v2.21)