Brutal Deluxe Software is a small group of programmers located in Paris, France
Apple IIgs production figures! Current counts are 2,617,184 based on the computer s/n or 931,816 based on the keyboard s/n.
Help us in finding how many Apple IIgs were produced by sending the serial number of your units and keyboards. The s/n can be found on the bottom side of the items. Send it to sn@brutaldeluxe.fr.
- 2022.11.30 / Apple IIgs Karate
To gain your way into the upper sect of the holy order, something your father always wanted of you, you must beat many opponents. - 2022.9.30 / Canal Meurtre
Canal Meurtre is a multilingual interactive comic strip. Your favorite journalist was killed! Will you find the murderer? - 2022.8.30 / Space Ace II: Borf's Revenge
Will you rescue Kimberly again? Borg is back with a revenge and has the power to vanquish the nations of Earth.
All our other Don Bluth titles are now available with a better audio quality. - 2022.8.19 / Sword of Sodan 2018
We disassembled the game code of Sword of Sodan in 2018 to make it HDD installable, get it now! - 2022.8.17 / HyperCardIIGS Update!
Conversions of short and long dates within dateItems were not Y2K-compliant. 31 years after... they are :-) - 2022.8.15 / More info on SCSI2
More info for the CDSC (Ruby) drive, read page 228 - 2022.7.30 / Space Ace
Dexter, better known as "Ace", is on a mission to stop the villainous Commander Borf, who is seeking to attack Earth with his "Infanto Ray" to render Earthlings helpless by reverting them into infants. Will you rescue Kimberly and prevent Borf from using the Infanto Ray to conquer Earth? - 2022.6.30 / Dragon's Lair III : The Curse of Mordread
The witch Mordread comes to avenge her brother Mordroc. Will Dirk the Daring, our brave knight, be brave enough to rescue his beloved Daphne? - 2022.5.30 / Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp for the Apple IIgs
You, as Dirk, must travel through time to rescue Princess Daphne who has been kidnapped by the Evil Wizard Mordroc to marry him. - 2022.4.30 / Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle for the Apple IIgs
"Dirk, save me...." Leaping forward, the brave knight ran through the door, ready to face Singe's Castle. - 2022.4.24 / Dragon's Lair source code
Find the source code of our adaptation of Dragon's Lair to the Apple IIgs. - 2022.4.17 / Easter gift to you
The source code of Le Manoir de la Crapule with its powerful adventure game engine is now available. - 2022.3.30 / Dragon's Lair for the Apple IIgs
You, Dirk the Daring, are on a quest to rescue the Fair Princess Daphne who has been kidnapped and is being held captive by Singe the Evil dragon. - 2022.3.22 / Antoine's birthday gift to you
Addition of the source code of Les Passagers du Vent, Les Passagers du Vent II, L'Égérie et Bill Palmer. - 2022.2.28 / Les Passagers du Vent II for the Apple IIgs
This is now a game. Playable with great pictures and music. - 2022.2.22 / The works of Claude Aubry
Thanks to Alexandre G., the works of Claude Aubry have been added to the French products. - 2022.1.30 / L'Égérie: a first in electronic literature for the Apple IIgs
Parisian in 1990, you could have known Amandine Palmer... And some suspect us of having been in love with her... - 2022.1.29 / Genesys goes v1.3.6
Edit and ID resources in the system range + A bug fix in source file generation. - 2022.1.25 / MountIt goes v1.5
A bug is fixed, enjoy the maintenance release with low RAM-based systems. - 2022.1.1 / Happy New Year
We wish you and yours a wonderful year. In 2022, we celebrate the 30 years of Brutal Deluxe :-) - 2021.10.27 / RIP Tony Diaz
It is with great sadness that we heard the passing of our friend Tony Diaz. - 2021.8.29 / Bill Palmer: a new point & click adventure game for the Apple IIgs
Become Bill Palmer and save the world from the evil Professor X! - 2021.4.8 / Full Métal Planète: a new strategy game!
Thanks to Brainstorm Software, play Full Métal Planète in English! - 2021.2.22 / Tarot: a new game!
Thanks to François Uhrich, play a game of French Tarot in English! - 2021.2.4 / Genesys goes 1.3.5
I fixed a bug in the Window / Add control / rIcon control management (thank you, Ewen) - 2021.1.30 / Hierarchic goes 1.6.2
We release Brainstorm Software's latest maintenance release of Hierarchic - 2021.1.27 / Merlin 32 goes Universal
Merlin 32 becomes a universal 64-bit app for x86 and M1 Mac computers (thank you, John Morris) - 2021.1.1 / Happy New Year 2021
Antoine Vignau and Olivier Zardini wish you and yours a happy new year 2021 - 2020.11.30 / PicViewer goes 1.0.6
Fixed a bug in the ANI format recognition. Thank you fatdog. - 2020.11.24 / Three new cassettes
On Facebook, Tim C. has recently bought three cassettes from United Software of America. - 2020.11.15 / Genesys v1.3.4 update
We upgraded SSSi Genesys to v1.3.4 29 years after, with new features and a new editor! - 2020.10.22 / Forum des développeurs
Added the minutes of the Forum des développeurs from April 1985 - 2020.9.15 / PicViewer goes 1.0.5
PicViewer now displays Apple II DHGR images. The Apple IIgs is also an Apple II. - 2020.9.15 / Targui source code
The source code of Targui, Antoine's DHGR game from 1990 is now available. - 2020.9.14 / PicViewer goes 1.0.4
PicViewer now displays Apple II HGR images. The Apple IIgs is also an Apple II. - 2020.9.11 / PicViewer goes 1.0.3
PicViewer now plays the new GSLA animation files from DreamWorld Software. - 2020.8.3 / Cogito: The Return source code salvaged!
Regenerated from disassembly and comparison with Cogito 1 - 2020.7.8 / A lot of documentations
A new MPF equals new scanned French and Cassette items :-) - 2020.7.4 / Fidgeter
Apple Fidgeter, early System Software 5.0 documentation - 2020.6.26 / The Hack page
We sometimes disassemble a program to make it run faster or to correct bugs... - 2020.3.18 / PicViewer goes 1.0.2
Thanks to fatdogprojects, PicViewer now plays animation files at the right speed. - 2020.2.8 / NinjatrackerPlus Toolset 222 v1.1 is available!
Thanks to Ninjaforce, reach another level of music quality with Ninjaforce's NinjaTrackerPlus toolset! - 2020.2.1 / Three new cassettes
Thanks to some other collectors, two new cassettes for Star Craft and Tsukumo, one from Apple. - 2020.1.1 / Happy New Year 2020
Antoine Vignau and Olivier Zardini wish you and yours a happy new year 2020 - 2019.10.22 / Merlin 32 goes 64-bit
Merlin 32 becomes a 64-bit app for macOS Catalina (thank you, Olivier J.) - 2019.9.6 / LoGo's Copy Disk update
After 29 years, it was time to refresh my copy disk with two new features... - 2019.9.3 / Cross-dev tools update
Cadius v1.4 available for MacOS (thank you, Pierre Durant) - 2019.6.27 / Cross-dev tools update
Merlin 32 still at v1.0 but fixes a 64KB assembly error. Cadius v1.1 also available for MacOS. - 2019.6.10 / Our 3.5" Applesauce images
Get the first batch of our 3.5" Applesauce disk images for the Apple II and Apple IIgs. - 2019.3.30 / Jorma's cassettes
Some months ago, Jorma H. sent the audio files of his Apple II cassettes. They are now in the Misc section. - 2019.2.26 / One new cassette
Confrontation by GRT Corporation: 2 out of 3 programs available. - 2019.1.27 / Our Applesauce images
Get our 1680+ Applesauce images on more than 3000 disk sides at the Internet Archive. - 2019.1.27 / The earliest Apple IIgs Cortland documentation
Four Cortland archives added with documents from 1985 to 1987. - 2019.1.21 / New cassettes pics and manuals
Thanks to Ian B., new materials for Instant Software, Programme, Rainbow Computing, and The Software Factory - 2019.1.20 / RAM driver for the Speechlab 20A
Heuristics' Speechlab 20A firmware was not FP BASIC compatible, now it is thanks to our RAM driver! - 2019.1.1 / Happy New Year 2019
Olivier Zardini and Antoine Vignau wish you and yours a happy new year 2019 - 2018.11.30 / Media Control SCSI-2 driver comes to the Apple IIgs
Play Audio CDs on your Apple IIgs through the Media Controller NDA. The SCSI manual was updated. - 2018.11.10 / SCSI-2 comes to the Apple IIgs
Play Audio CDs on your Apple IIgs with the new GS/OS CD driver. - 2018.9.24 / Cortland documentation update
Volume 3 updates on Notes on Ensoniq, Front Desk Bus Specs and ERS. - 2018.9.16 / NinjatrackerPlus Toolset 222 is available!
Thanks to Ninjaforce, reach another level of music quality with Ninjaforce's NinjaTrackerPlus toolset! - 2018.9.4 / Ninjatracker Toolset 221 gets an update!
Thanks to Scott D., we've squashed a couple of bugs in the NinjaTracker toolset. - 2018.9.4 / Soundsmith Toolset 219 gets an update!
Thanks to Scott D., we've squashed a couple of bugs in the Soundsmith toolset. - 2018.8.17 / Graffidisk, the Applesauce companion
Graffidisk is a new kind of software for the Apple II. Its limit is your imagination: enter text or draw a GR picture on your Apple II and let Graffidisk tag your 5.25" floppy disks. See the results of your piece of art with John Morris' Applesauce. Share with your friends! - 2018.7.9 / Chuck Sommerville's first program!
Thanks to a recent discussion on Facebook, I realized I did not acquire Mandala Supreme (Systems Design Lab), written by Chuck Sommerville in December 1978. Here it is with its B-side: Thinkum. - 2018.7.9 / Snakebyte gets an update!
An update to the marvelous game written by Chuck Sommerville and published by Sirius Software in 1981. - 2018.6.14 / The 65816 documentation of the Cortland
Find volume 7 of the Cortland documentation: everything you ever wanted to know about the 816 but were afraid to ask! - 2018.4.4 / New cassette and How to acquire!
Another cassette identified: Confrontation by GRT Corporation. And learn how to acquire an Apple II cassette with a modern computer (see the link at the bottom of the dedicated cassettes page) - 2018.4.1 / Juiced.FR
Juiced.FR, magazine trimestriel dédié à l'Apple II, bientôt disponible ! - 2018.1.11 / DOS 3.4
Another product, another proof of concept, another project: Apple's DOS 3.4. A way to learn the inners of DOS 3.3 and offer a patched version with lower-case support and perharps other features. - 2018.1.10 / DOS 4.4
Another product, another proof of concept, another project: Apple's DOS 4.4. A way to learn the inners of DOS 3.3 and offer a patched version to the community with source code. - 2018.1.7 / New cassette!
Automated simulations' Invasion orion is now online. - 2018.1.1 / Happy New Year 2018
Olivier Zardini and Antoine Vignau wish you and yours a happy new year 2018 - 2017.12.27 / New cassettes!
ALF Products 13-2-1A and GRT Corporation Outwit and Jorma H.'s Instant Software Mimic are now online. - 2017.9.13 - 2017.12.9 / The Apple IIx Project
From the early days of the Apple II and the Apple IIgs, x-rated products were published. Find a compilation of x-rated animations, texts, and videos, in a single place. Contact us if you have others!
42 new items thanks to Jorma H. - 2017.8.17 / 666 cassettes!
The manual of Hayden's Songs in the key of Apple, and the complete package of Winged Samurai by Discovery Games! Other cassettes (ALF, Programma) on eBay at that time, I hope to win the auctions! - 2017.7.30 / New cassettes added!
Gifts from KansasFest: Adventure International's Adventure 1 (Adventureland) and Adventure 3 (Mission impossible), Instant Software's double-sided Math tutor I and Math tutor II. Thank you again! - 2017.7.6 / La Crapule by Froggy Software finally available for the Apple II!
We are happy to release La Crapule (EN: The Villain), an original adventure game by Froggy Software, published in 1987 for the Macintosh only and now available on the Apple II computer! We even have special offers for the attendees of the KansasFest and Apple II Festival France events! - 2017.5.9 / New cassettes identified!
Thanks for Ian B. on Twitter, new cassettes identified by Apple, Micro Instructional (audio), MUSE, Programma, Star Craft, and System Design Lab. It is now time to acquire them, Ian :-) - 2017.4.19 / i'm fEDD up supports your 8-bit memory card
i'm fEDD up goes v2.3 and now supports copy in one pass on a IIe with a RamWorks-like card (get yours at a2heaven.com): a minimum of 3MB is recommended. Read the Release notes file for more information. - 2017.3.31 / Two modern cassettes!
David Schmenk's Light Cycles demo and Michael Packard's Alien Downpour Alpha 4 cassettes added in the misc section. - 2017.2.16 / Maintenance release of the 4soniq demo disk
Now at version 1.1, the demo program of the 4soniq features (w/source code) now quits. You can launch the program from the Finder, yoohoo! - 2017.1.6 / Happy New Concept 2017!
When the EDD routines meet the Electric Duet ones: move the disk drive arm in sync with playing an Electric Duet tune. Source code is included, do whatever you want with it! - 2017.1.5 / Happy New BitStrYear 2017!
i'm fEDD up goes v2.2 and now supports copy in one pass on a IIgs and export FDI files (for $23 tracks, .25 step). The Prefix command can also delete unlocked binary files to make room on your destination volume. Read the Release notes file for more information. - 2017.1.4 / Happy New Multipla-Year 2017!
Learn how to program the 4play joypad controller card by Alex Lukazi. We wrote some code in 2016 to support that wonderful interface card. Get one and support it! - 2017.1.3 / Happy New Octophonic Year 2017! (bis)
Learn how to program the Sound toolset of the Apple IIgs toolbox to output a sound to any of the eight available channels of the ensoniq. The source code is included and was used to test the great 4soniq card by Manila Gear. - 2017.1.2 / Happy New Octophonic Year 2017!
Following the recent Juiced.GS article about the quadri/octophonic 4soniq card by Manila Gear, find Huibert Aalbers' SoundSmith v2b and Tool219 v2 that both support up to eight output channels. Enter a new sound dimension with the Apple IIgs! The NinjaTracker Tool 221 is also updated and supports the 4soniq card. - 2017.1.1 / Happy New Year 2017 with Pleins Gaz!
Olivier Zardini and Antoine Vignau wish you and yours a happy new year 2017. Let's begin gently with the grand opening of the sale of Pleins Gaz by Froggy Software. A complete package for 6 euros (inc. VAT, excl. shipping) - 2016.10.1 / Four new cassettes and a new publisher!
Thanks to Jonas G., we have a new publisher: ROMCA. Probably a reseller from the Netherlands. Programs are dated March 1978. New cassettes for ALF, GRT Corporation and a manual for Systems Design Lab. - 2016.9.26 / Pleins gaz by Froggy Software available again!
We are happy to release Pleins gaz, an arcade game by Froggy Software and Richard Soberka, for its 30th birthday! - 2016.7.18 / Tribute to Alexander Siegfried
A long time ago, in Germany, one young programmer wrote Tetris in Applesoft BASIC... - 2016.7.14 / Two new cassettes and a new publisher!
In France, this is the national day, aka Bastille day. Discover two new cassettes: Apple song tape 1 from ALF Products (a new publisher) and one full of Games in the Misc section. 650! Yes, 650 cassettes have been identified so far. - 2016.7.13 / One new cassette
Turf Analysis by Systems Design Lab joins the collection. Update on MUSE's Escape. - 2016.6.30 / One new cassette from a new publisher
Thanks to James Littlejohn, discover the Graphics package 114 by 525 Video. GR and HGR demos from 1978! - 2016.5.28 / One new cassette
Motocross by Chris Oberth, published by Programma is now available. - 2016.05.11 / i'm fEDD up goes v2.1
This is a maintenance release to better handle the config file. NIB files are not created if they are not needed. Available blocks on volume is now refreshed before the required free blocks is calculated, you can now "hot un/plug" your USB stick with i'm fEDD up running. - 2016.4.7 / Tribute to the French United Crackers Klan
We are great fans of the works of the French United Crackers Klan/Miami Software and we wanted to thank them for what they have brought to the Apple IIgs. Find a page with their software (cracks, demos, games, slide shows, utilities) and source code (yes, source code of ZZCopy ;-)) now. Thank you, Guys! - 2016.4.5 / Two cassettes identified
Thanks to Tony B., two cassettes added to the list from Softape and Hayden Book Company, Inc. One new publisher, thanks to François M. - 2016.03.30 / Say Hello to the "Universe"
Discover early documentation of Universe, AKA the Apple IIgs ROM 3 ROM and System Software 5.0. - 2016.03.29 / "Discovery": codename for the IIgs ROM3
Discover early documentation of Discovery, AKA the Apple IIgs ROM 3. - 2016.02.14 / Game playing with BASIC tapes 2 and 3
Two new cassettes to complete the Game playing with BASIC collection from Hayden Book Company, Inc. - 2016.02.10 / i'm fEDD up goes v2
Thanks to John Brooks, we can archive our 3.5" disks. Thanks to 4am and his numerous requests, you can load/save your config, write or skip writing files, productivity++. We have added several text files for emulators coders to support .EDD, extended .NIB and .N35 files. - 2016.02.07 / You, DustHead! v1.1
David L. wanted the "Change 5.25" slot & drive", it is now available. Olivier wanted an animation, it is here. And your configuration is now saved and loaded at startup. - 2016.02.07 / You, DustHead!
Say Hello to our disk head cleaning utility. Insert a cleaning diskette in your 3.5" or 5.25" drive and, thanks to DustHead, have it (them) cleaned by moving the disk arm. - 2016.01.10 / Know yourself (4 programs)
Another cassette from Creative Computing Software! - 2016.01.01 / Happy new year!
Olivier and Antoine wish you and yours a happy new year. Please also welcome four new cassettes! - 2015.09.08 / One new cassette and a manual
The original Applesoft II program and demo of SubLogic's A23D1 by Jim Harter, Personal Computers, Inc. Softape's Forte manual is now digitzed and available. The two archives have also been updated. - 2015.09.03 / One new cassette
Mission impossible adventure joins the set of Creative Computing cassettes. - 2015.08.28 / French Underground
France has always been the most prolific market for underground Apple II software, discover the nearly complete collection! - 2015.07.08 / System "It can be done" 6.0.2
22 years, 2 months, 2 days and 2 hours after the last release of Apple IIgs' System disk, the 6.0.2 update is coming as a proof of concept. More to come soon! - 2015.06.15 / NinjaTracker Tool221
Enter a new level in Apple IIgs music quality thanks to the FTA and Ninjaforce, play Soundsmith-like Amiga MOD files in your programs. - 2015.05.08 / One new cassette and manuals
The latest and last Bob Bishop's addition: Softape's Star warriors and Space maze. Plenty of French manuals and books in the /products/france/ folder, please browse by date. - 2015.04.28 / One new cassette and a manual
Adding one cassette and a half from Bob Bishop and published by Powersoft: Saucer invasion. Space maze will come later, the tape is broken. The manual of Program design's Step-by-step is now available.
Space maze is now available in the Cassettes / Powersoft section. - 2015.04.22 / Two new cassettes
Adding two cassettes from Bob Bishop and published by Powersoft: Rocket pilot and Star war. - 2015.04.19 / Fifteen new cassettes!!
A major update with ten new cassettes from Innovative Computer Programs (Hi, Ron!), Instant Software, MUSE, Programma, subLogic and Wise Owl Workshop (a new name). Thank you, Paul and David! - 2015.04.05 / One new cassette from Bob Bishop
Find Bob Bishop's Assembler, published by Powersoft, brand new with its manual. - 2015.03.14 / New cassettes
Three new cassettes identified. The count now reaches 630! - 2015.01.06 / Merlin 32
Brutal Deluxe Software releases Merlin 32, a multi-pass 6502 65c02 and 65c816 cross assembler for Windows, MacOS and Linux! - 20141223 / The Flaming Bird Disassembler
Thanks to Dagen Brock, please find a US version of the manual of Phoenix Corp's The Flaming Bird Disassembler. - 20140807 / New cassettes
Two new cassettes: one identified (but not owned): Amdek for Roland ADA-200. The second is BBC's BASICODE-2, the esperanto of BASIC, invented in 1983 by a group of Dutch people (complete with documentation) - 20140613 / New cassette
Discover A.P.P.L.E.'s Library Pak 2. You know what? Bill M. is happy ;-) Archives have been updated. - 20140506 / New cassettes
Discover Apple's High-resolution graphics (002-0002-01) and Checkbook-1 (002-0005-01) and Hayden's Songs in the key of Apple. Archives have been updated. - 20140322 / Cross-dev tool: OMF Analyzer update
OMF Analyzer goes v1.1 and now supports OMF versions 0 and 1, the DS opcode and segments over 64KiB. - 20140322 / One new cassette!
Discover Softape's (Super) Othello which comes in two versions: Integer BASIC and Applesoft. Thank you, Paul H., that is a great birthday present! - 20140215 / Two new cassettes!
Discover Softape's Electronic index-card file by Bob Bishop, complete with manual and... Migs and Messerschmitts by Discovery Games which came also complete (it is a protected audio stream ;-)) - 20140104 / Cross-dev tool: OMF Analyzer
Discover our OMF Analyzer command-line for Windows and the inners of the OMF format. - 20140101 / Happy New Year 2014
We wish you a happy, healthy and wealthy new year 2014. Thank you for 2013! - 20131210 / LZ4 compression algorithm on the Apple IIgs
Read our technical article on the LZ4 algorithm and its advantages for Apple IIgs game design. - 20131027 / Ron Graff strikes back!
With more ten new cassettes from either Innovative Computer and Innerglo, discover a couple of early eduware for the Apple II! I have also added the sixth side of the ABW/Symtec cassettes I own! - 20131001 / Apple's Contact newsletter revamped!
Find a new version of the six issues of the early Contact newsletter from Apple. Darker scan at 600DPI, letter format and OCR on all items. Enjoy! - 20130929 / Back to more than 600 cassettes: new releases
As I have recently purchased a couple of PL's cassettes, I have been able to digitize some missing files and re-organize the ITT/Japan section. There are also some new items for Programma: Laser turret and Spider tag. There are also new titles for Tsukumo Original Soft. Last but not least, discover Voicetek's Cognivox: an external device which allows you to perform speech recognition! - 20130921 / Ron Graff is a great person!
Thanks to Ron Graff, discover Magnemedia's early eduware for the Apple II. Those programs are among the first, if not the first, programs for the education market. Ron, thank you very much! Ciderpress and disk image archives have been updated. - 20130901 / BenchmarkeD: get the best of your modern storage devices!
Download our file and disk benchmark utility for the Apple IIgs and share your results with us. - 20130811 / Cassettes: new publisher and friends...
Thanks to Tom, discover a new publisher (Syntonic Software Corporation) and, thanks to eBay, two Apple cassettes identified. - 20130701 / Zéphyr is back! Get it for a single euro!
Get the double-sided electronic disk image for 1 euro only. Shipping in the cloud is free ;-) - 20130701 / A new cassette from Japan
Thanks to Kazuo, here is Star Blazer from Star Craft, manual included! Ciderpress and Cassettes archives also updated. - 20130617 / New manuals and 600 cassettes
Six hundred, 600! Not owned but listed. Thanks to Paul L. and his numerous library, we have added new manuals and have new cassettes listed! - 20130528 / New cassettes
A new batch of cassettes! The Software Factory's Apple Beneath Manor by Don Worth, with a signed manual. Ritam Corporation's Monty plays monopoly, that is a new publisher. There are 592 cassettes listed!
If you own cassettes I do not have, please contact me, I would pay shipping both ways to have them digitized and archived. Thank you! - 20130410 / Purchase Zéphyr by Froggy Software 22/APR: All 75 copies sold! Thank you for your support!
Now get the complete Zephyr package for 5 euros only! France or international shipping options! - 20130313 / The 2013 release: Zéphyr by Froggy Software
Live a vintage moment and get a genuine Apple II software from 1987 for sale in... 2013!!!!! - 20130313 / Cross-dev tools: Mr Sprite Tech
After Mr Sprite, discover the inners of the algorithm with Mr Sprite Tech. - 20130304 / Cross-dev tools: Mr Sprite
Say hello to Mr Sprite, a modern way to create smart sprites for Apple IIgs animations! - 20130302 / Plenty of new cassettes
New cassettes from A.P.P.L.E. (Library pak 1C/2B), Hayden (Applesoft utility programs, Engineering mathematics-1, Revive, Slow list/stop list), MUSE (Maze game), Programma (Ampersoft, Jumpout/Shooting stars, Saucer war, Time clock), Systems design lab (Funpak I by Chuck Sommerville) and Tsukumo (Apple invaders) - Happy New Year 2013!
Antoine and Olivier wish you all the best to you and yours for 2013! - 20121027 / New cassette and a catalog
One new cassette from Sybex: "Apple-80", an 8080 simulator for the Apple II. Read what the author, Dann McCreary, says about it 33 years after its release! And, thanks to François M., an old Softape catalog is also online.
Update: Thanks to Egan Ford, I've generated a PDF of the manual - 20121126 / Vive la France !
For easier maintenance, the site is now HTML-free, meaning all disk images, manuals, etc. are now visible as a FTP catalog. Easier to maintain, easier to browse, easier to grab. Still one of the most complete (if not the most complete) French archive! - 20121119 / Cross-dev tools: Window capture
WindowCapture is a utility focused on screen capture. It has been designed to help in Graphic Resources catching (backgrounds, sprites, animations, palettes...) from games running under emulators. - 20121118 / Tribute to... Madeleine Hodé
Over the years, we have met many interesting persons and we would like to thank them here... - 20121115 / New links
New direct navigation links to sites we work with: hackzapple.com for Apple II's protection schemes and Marc Ressl's Apple II documentation project. - 20121104 / New section: Tribute to...
Over the years, we have met many interesting persons and we would like to thank them here... - 20121102 / DeluxeWare alternative download link
You may encounter download issues due to the size of the CD-ROM image. We have added an alternative Dropbox link! - 20121013 / New cassettes
New cassettes from Programma: 3-D docking, Blitzkrieg ; from Quality Software: Fastgammon ; and from Speakeasy: Warlords. - 20121005 / i'm fEDD up v1.1: maintenance release
40-track copy, new Disk copy command and new original file system guessing option. - 20121001 / i'm fEDD up: now *really* backup your diskettes!
Discover Brutal Deluxe's second modern answer to help you archive your Apple II 5.25" diskettes: EDD and ProDOS compatibility. - 20120916 / New cassettes (now 581)
The remaining cassettes were digitized. Get plenty of misc cassettes, new Programma programs and two interesting new publishers: Heuristics and Texas. - 20120911 / DeluxeWare now freely available
Antoine Vignau and Olivier Zardini are proud to make their CD-ROM available to the Apple II community. That is a 311.5 MiB archive download. Enjoy the journey into one of the most complete CD-ROM for our beloved machine. - 20120909 / New cassettes
New cassettes from Softape, Adventure international and also from new publishers: Morgan Software, The Software Co. and Innovatia. Stay tuned for more! Cassettes and Ciderpress archives are up-to-date. Scans of covers still remain to be done. - 20120820 / Obituary: Nicole Bréaud-Pouliquen
Nicole Bréaud-Pouliquen, a well-known best-seller Apple II writer passed away on Monday, 20th August, 2012. We will miss her a lot. - 20120711 / New cassettes
New cassettes: The Micromint Inc.'s Applesoft Sweet Talker Program, Softape's Solitaire poker and Saucer invasion. Ciderpress and disk archives updated as well! Stay tuned for 17 new cassettes to come! - 20120629 / CADIUS
Brutal Deluxe Software is proud to announce the release of CADIUS, a command-line tool for Windows to manage Apple II image disk files (.2mg, .po, .hdv). - 20120611 / New cassettes
New cassettes: Apple's Color demos 4K and Breakout 4K. Programma's Home accounting and Star Voyager. Softape's Screen machine. Ciderpress and disk archives updated as well! - 20120508 / MEMSOFT - Vive la France !
Thanks to Paul Lafonta and upon a request from a user forwarded by Deckard, there are now disk images for Memsoft products: M/DOS and MEM/PLOT. - 20120430 / Brutal Deluxe on Open-Apple.net
Happy birthday, Brutal Deluxe! The Open Apple podcast interviews Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini on the 20th anniversary of their founding of this renowned Apple II programming group. - 20120223 / Karl Grabe!
Addition of Karl Grabe's website, the person behind the //gs diagnostics tools. - 20120217 / Beauvais 1992
Our first slide-show made in 1992 after the GS Club meeting at Beauvais, France.
Quick update: the source code is also available. - 20120131 / Fishhead, the Caped Copier
Back up your files and recover as much data as possible from your damaged disks! - 20120122 / The links section
All links were moved to a single page, a direct access to the information. - 20120103 / New cassettes
New cassettes: Powersoft's Financial wizard 3 and Memory dump. Ciderpress and disk archives updated as well! - 1st-January 2012 / Happy New Year 2012
...to you and yours. Long live the Apple 2-012 ;-) - 20111218 / Other cassettes
What I also like is when some Apple II fan sends 28 cassettes to me... for free! Discover what I have been able to save on the new 'Other' folder. Some interesting programs and plenty are of unknown source. For fun, there is one program dated 7/7/77! - 20111214 / Dann McCreary
What I like is when software authors contact me. Read a message Dann has written about his products! - 20111120 / New cassettes
New cassettes: Automated simulations' Rescue at Rigel, Amdek's CMU-800, Programma's Micro invaders and Tsukumo's Memory check. - 20111113 / Vive la France !
New disks and manuals for Micropresse Goldensoft, the same publisher as the French magazine Golden. Some other miscellaneous French software. In the Documentation folder, get subLogic's A2-FS1 and Sirius' EZ-DRAW 3.3 packages. - 20111026 / Forum des développeurs
Discover the official French Apple II programming documentation, distributed to Apple II developpers during the "Forum des développeurs" sessions. The documentation is mainly in English. It comes complete with the disks. - 20111010 / Vive la France !
New disks and manuals for Apple, Ediciel (Ultima III...), Golden (the magazine) and PSI. Thanks to Arnaud B. and Jean-Louis B. for their help. - 20110916 / Anim'Disk 3
There are plenty of new manuals in the French Software section and, thanks to Deckard, there's also my Anim' Disk #3 dated May 1990. I believe my own productions are now all available. - 20110828 / T40
Krue wanted it, here is a one-day program to create 40x24 ASCII art screens or cracktros. v1.3.1 is now available! - 20110822 / Vive la France !
Tons of manuals from Brainstorm, Bréjoux and Toolbox. - 20110815 / T40
Krue wanted it, here is a one-day program to create 40x24 ASCII art screens or cracktros. v1.3 is now available! - 20110708 / New cassettes
A new cassette from Automated Simulations: Morlocs's tower. We also welcome Japanese cassettes of Philip Lord. - 20110630 / Vive la France !
Thanks to Arnaud C., plenty of Tremplin Micro disks (the missing ones are on apple-iigs.info) and addition of Arnaud's website. - 20110601 / Vive la France !
New disks for Apple, the 491 disks of the French GS Club, Version Soft and Vifi/Sogiciels/Sogiciel (le temple d'Apshai). Pierre Berloquin is moved to the Apple section. - 20110519 / Vive la France !
New disks from Castor, Divers and a new publisher, The Soft Machine. - 20110410 / New cassettes
New cassettes from Compu-Things, Instant Software, Mad Hatter Software, Personal Software and Programma! - 20110410 / Vive la France !
New disks from Ediciel (Guiness des records, le jeu des inventions), PSI (Créations graphiques et animations) and Vifi/Sogiciels (the French version of the Temple of Apshai and Les vautours) - 20110325 / New cassettes
One new cassette from Softape. Updates on Avalon Hill/Microcomputer games, MUSE, Powersoft, Programma and Softape. Stay tuned for more!! - 20110320 / Visual C++ 6.0 project files for KEGS 0.91
Download the Visual C++ 6.0 project files to rebuild KEGS32, release 0.91. - 20110305 / Vive la France !
New scans for Ediciel, PSI and Vifi. A new publisher: Castor. From Olivier Zardini's collection! - 20110302 - MountIt 1.4 squashes the ShrinkIt bug
MountIt 1.4 now lets other inits open files it cannot handle, especially the ShrinkIt archives. - 20110302 / 532 cassettes & manuals
See Programma and Program Design, only manuals today, I need more time to scan and acquire the cassettes. - 20110227 / Our pictures library
Discover our Apple II collection published on picasa. - 20110206 / Vive la France !
Plenty of new scans and digits, thanks to Paul Lafonta, Jean-Pierre Lagrange and François Michaud. - 20110103 / Labyrinthe for Apple II
Another DHGR B&W demo I wrote in 1991, probably for Deckard, just like the other one of the same page. It is a basic one. - 20110101 / Vive la France !
Discover French Apple II software built over the years with the help from well-known French Apple II addicts. And... Bonne année 2011 à tous ! - 20110101 / Update your bookmark
Please update your bookmark, our site now answers to brutaldeluxe.fr (with no hyphen) and we redirect all requests from the previous one to the new one. Thank you. - 20101225 / This is Christmas!
This is my present for Christmas: new cassettes from Apple, Powersoft, Programma and Softape. Now, 531! - 20101217 / FlipTrack Learning Systems
How to operate the Apple IIe in 3 audio cassettes and operator's guide. Published in 1983. - 20101217 / Apple's Contact newsletter
Thanks to Clay C., the first three issues are also online. The collection is now complete, yeah! - 20101213 / Manuals
I am done with scanning my manuals. Next step will happen after Christmas. I'd also like to thank Clay C. who has just sent to me the missing Contact newsletter from Apple. I am also increasing my collection of French software for the Apple II (note to myself: take time to open the section on BD's site) - 20101208 / Apple's Contact newsletter
Download the last three issues of Apple's first newsletter dated 1978 and 1979. The best of Contact'78 is also available. - 20101123 / 529 cassettes & manuals
I am nearly done: all my own cassettes are digitized, a major part of my manuals are scanned. I need to scan the cassettes. It is now up to you, please share your files! - 20101110 / 527 cassettes & manuals
I've included the Contact'78 newsletter Dirk sent to me a few months back, there are now 159 new cassettes identified. Find the Bridge Challenger manual from Personal Software in its dedicated section. I am close to the end: there are some early Apple cassettes missing as well as some Softside. I foresee about 550 cassettes as a grand total. - 20101109 - Apple IIgs GS/OS Internals
This book is for advanced Apple IIgs programmers and curious people. It is an unofficial publication from Brutal Deluxe Software and all the information given herein are related to the Apple IIgs System 6.0.1 version. This book is the result of a 3-year understanding of the inners of GS/OS which was done in order to build a File System Translator for the system. - 20101104 - Cassette count turns 368
November is as good as was October :-) My collection of Avalon Hill/Microcomputer Games will increase. I've scanned the Apple Tapes for the Apple II (and II plus) manuals and the booklet for Microsoft Typing Tutor. Yeah! - 20101030 - Cassette count turns 356
October 2010 was the month of cassettes on eBay and I purchased about 80 new cassettes I need to digitize and put online. Until then, I've browsed my archives and the internet and I've been able to identify 356 cassettes and 2 new publishers. But shall I count 14 for the Wang 700 tapes or only 1? What's your opinion? - 20100902 - Cassette count turns 336
Thanks to JPL of hackzapple.com, plenty of digitized cassettes: Hammurabi and Nightmare #6 of Apple in the Computerland of Nashua section, Tankwar from Muse, Radar interceptor from Powersoft, Datamover and Telepong and others from Apple, Sahara Warriors from Instant Software. - 20100828 - Sword of Sodan: the 2010 demo!
Here it is a long time after its announcement. Discover the inner routines of the well-known demo of Sword of Sodan, a fantastic program, which remains unreleased. The source code is also included. - 20100828 - DeluxeWare
In January 1996 and in partnership with La Pomme Illustrée, we created the first French cd-rom for the Apple IIgs. - 20100821 - Apple's Datamover and Telepong / Avalon Hill's Conflict 2500
There is an auction on eBay with an Apple cassette I have never seen before, just added now... and bought. And Conflict 2500 from Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games) - 20100725 - ProSel v8.4 documentation
For easiness, find ProSel's documentation online. Version 8.4 for both 8 and 16-bit Apple IIs. - 20100723 - Introduction to ProDOS 1.0
Discover the story behind ProDOS 1.0 which I also bought from the Huston brothers. - 20100709 - Introduction to Apple's mouse prototype
Discover one of the earliest microcomputer mouse, an Apple prototype from Nov. 1980. - 20100708 - Antoine's 8-bit animations for Brazil
Thanks to Youtube and Deckard, discover two animations I did when I was 18. Two-voice music and DHGR animation :-) Source code is included. A DHGR to SHR sprite conversion is also included. - 20100601 - Microcomputer's Bomber Attack & Dnieper River Line
I received another two new Microcomputer games, therefore Bomber Attack and Dnieper River Line are now digitzed and uploaded. I've also added a new archive containing all the digitized versions and the file format is compatible with CiderPress, that may ease your work and play with the programs. - 20100601 - Microcomputer's Planet Miners & Tanktics
I received two new Microcomputer games, therefore Planet Miners and Tanktics are now digitzed and uploaded. I've also added a new archive containing all the digitized versions and the file format is compatible with CiderPress, that may ease your work and play with the programs. - 20100524 - The Programma International catalog
Thanks to Tony Diaz and a recent purchase, 333 cassettes have been identified. For instance, the number of Programma International titles changes from 9 to 97 (yep ninety-seven) - 20100501 - Antoine's 8-bit Anim Disks
Thanks to Deckard, discover my anim disks when I was 16. Two-voice music and HGR animation :-) - 20100429 - The Apple 1 cassettes
Thanks to the Huston brothers, the Apple 1 cassettes are now online. - 20100407 - 8/16-Central
8/16-Central came after The Sourceror's Apprentice. It was published from 1990 until October 1991. Find the last year online with 600 DPI scans of the (really short) magazine. - 20100406 - The complete series of The Sourceror's Apprentice
A long long time ago, there was a publication for Merlin programmers, there were 12 issues of it, they are now online for your viewing pleasure (I hope they are not sold by Eric, ahem) - 20100406 - Le manifeste de La Pomme Illustrée
It appears I also forgot to put the rare issue of Le manifeste de La Pomme Illustrée online, it is now done. - 20090403 - Some docs removed
Some of the documentations are still sold by Syndicom.com therefore they have been removed from the site. - 20100403 - SynthLab and MIDI Synth ERS documentations, new IWM materials
The official SynthLab documentation. The quality of the manual is as good as the software. And three new IWM scans. - 20100402 - La Pomme Illustrée
It appears I forgot to put the issue 2 online. Olivier gave it to me, let's say 1 year ago :-) - 20100311 - Your collection of Apple II cassettes (update 11/MAR/2010)
Thanks to a new Softape catalog, our listing of Apple II cassettes now reaches 234 items! - 20100227 - Your collection of Apple II cassettes (update 27/FEB/2010)
Thanks to P. and the catalog of Softalk V1N4, our listing of Apple II cassettes now reaches 222 items! - 20100225 - The Cortland documentation
It is another Vulgate. The original Apple IIgs documentation, codename Cortland. Thanks to P. - 20100223 - Update of Micron Eye project
Download the original operator's manual in PDF format and the original DOS 3.3 program disk in a disk image format. As well as some links added. - 20100220 - Added the works of Vincent Hémeury
Discover Vincent's fabulous works with MultiSwitch, Pict2 Converter (with Video Overlay Card support) and SendPostscript - 20100214 - Our collection of Apple II cassettes (update 14/FEB/2010)
Added Dirk's latest cassettes and the Softalk catalog: many many more cassettes! - 20100205 - MountIt 1.3 corrects a bug
MountIt 1.3 now lets other inits open files it cannot handle. - 20100101 - My collection of Apple II cassettes (update 20/JAN/2010)
Thanks to Dirk B., some new cassettes are now on the site as well as Apple's software catalog of 1978! - 20100101 - Bonne année 2010 !
Happy new year 2010 to you and yours, may the Apple II power be with you :-) - 20091106 - La Vulgate : Today Is The Day
The rebirth of the Apple IIgs... - 20091105 - Documentation: Protocol Converter
Discover the documentation of what I believe is the previous name of the Smartport, thank you Bill... - 20090926 - Sword of Sodan: behind the scenes
Discover the hidden routines of the world-famoud 3-level demo of that fantastic Apple IIgs game... - 20090914 - MountIt 1.2 likes removable disk images
MountIt 1.2 now handles up to 16 removable devices. It also removes disk images softly when switching to ProDOS 8. - 20090831 - MountIt 1.1 likes variable image sizes
MountIt 1.1 now recognizes ProDOS disk images from 32KB to what your IIgs offers and uses a new means to recognize ProDOS images which allows you to mount virtually all of your beloved disks. - 20090825 - MountIt in ShrinkIt
Please find a SHK version of MountIt. - 20090824 - The Flaming Bird Disassembler update
Thanks to a discussion with Sheppy, I updated TFBDisasm to make it Sweet16 compatible. Feel free to download that update. - 20090817 - Mount Disk Image
The "summer holidays" project has turned into a product: MountIt, or the ability to mount up to eight disk image files as virtual image volumes under GS/OS. Open your .2MG, .DSK or .PO of 140/800KB ProDOS images directly from the Finder. The source code is included. - 20090706 - Mount Disk Image
Our latest project deals with mounting disk images within GS/OS and the Finder. Stay tuned for more information, this is the "summer holidays" project... - 20090706 - La pomme illustrée
The missing issues are now online, thanks to Olivier. - 20090202 - The GS/OS
AppleDisk5.25 Project
Updates, updates! - 20090201 - The Flaming Bird
Download the most powerful Apple IIgs disassembler in the world. - 20090201 - Disassembly of
In response to a message in comp.sys.apple2, find the disassembly of VisiCalc 1981. - 20090111 - Lots of new
Thanks to David Craig, find the source code of SOS 1.3, ProDOS 8 1.7, DOS 3.3c and tons of information on the Apple III and the IWM. - 20090111 - The GS/OS
AppleDisk5.25 Project
Updates, updates! - 20081114 - The GS/OS
AppleDisk5.25 Project
Another project to enhance the features of the well-known AppleDisk5.25 driver from GS/OS. - 20081110 - The Tinies & Tinies
Construction Kit
Just added the source code of The Tinies and Tinies Construction Kit. - 20080624 - The 2008
projects section added
From time to time, we will put online the different projects we are working on. - 20080504 - Second Sight
Thanks to Macdog, the Second Sight manual is now online. - 20080420 - Langue d'Ocs GS
Thanks to Deckard, Brutal Deluxe's demo for Langue d'Ocs GS, the first and only one IIgs version of the well-known diskazine! - 20080225 - rDOS3.3.FST
The first non-Apple FST ever-released for the GS/OS environment. - 20080208 - The Great Contributor
Without Jean-Marc Boutillon, aka Deckard, the Apple II Products section would not have been put online. - 20080207 - New topics & Documentation
Latest news and Contact added,
Apple II topic, Disk II, GS/OS and SecondSight new documents. - 20080206 - Unreleased
Lots of unreleased projects added. - 20080205 - Official grand opening!