April 2022 - Download the source code of Le Manoir de la Crapule. Original code by Antoine Vignau and Olivier Zardini

The archive contains the following items:

  • make.data.xx.s: builds the game data
  • crapule.data.xx.s: conditions, maps of the game
  • crapule.dialogues.xx.s: messages displayed as answers to a question
  • crapule.dictionnaire.xx.s: all the words the engine recognizes
  • crapule.messages.xx.s: all game messages
  • crapule.systemmessages.xx.s: system messages and words the engine recognizes
  • engine.s: builds the game engine
  • system.s: builds the P8 system file
  • engine.memoryusage.txt describes the 48K memory map
The engine recognizes three words within a 100-char sentence. It can run in 48K, can have pics (from 40-col to SHR). Options are great. We thought of licensing the engine, but it was a few years ago. Now, use it freely, just keep the copyright mentions.

Download :

.zip archive