s/n | Name | | |
AP125* |
3-D DOCKING By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. In this Hi-res game you are shown split screen view of an asteroid field. The object is to dock your ship in the docking platform without hitting any asteroids. Command is 200.2000R |

AP001 |
ACK-ACK By Jim Anderson. 8K. Integer BASIC. This is a game for the sharp of eye and the fleet of finger. The object is to shoot down the enemy RECON DRONES before they can photograph your anti-aircraft batteries. |
AP003* |
ALGEBRA I By Jose Farran. 32K. Applesoft. This program is used to solve first degree algebraic equations. The program shows each iteration of work much like an angebra student would. This program is great for both BASIC LEARNING and REVIEW. |
AP004 |
ALIEN ENCOUNTERS By Metz and Mahin. 32K. Applesoft. This is an ACTION GAME in HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS. The S.S. PROGRAMMA has been sent to the Bermuda Triangle to patrol the search the waters and try to solve the mystery of all the dissappearances. Armed with a POWERFUL LASER CANNON and MISSLE LAUNCHER it cuts through the waters of the ATLANTIC OCEAN in search of an ALIEN ENCOUNTER. One player is the ALIEN and the other is the CAPTAIN of the S.S. PROGRAMMA. |
AP006* |
AMPERSOFT II 32K. Applesoft. |
AP009* |
APPLE ALLEY 16K. Integer BASIC. 1979 |
AP012 |
APPLE FORTH 32K. $37. |
AP010* |
By ESD Laboratories. 24K. Integer BASIC. This game is just like the popular 'arcade game in which you shoot down the rapidly decending (sic) rows of INVADERS before they hit you with laser blast three times. |


AP005 |


AP014 |
AP018 |
ASSIST-IT By Jim Anderson. 8K. Integer BASIC. This is a low-res graphic game played on a 13 by 13 grid. Try to assist the computer in covering all 169 squares by clearing the way with your piece. |
AP019 |
ATOMIC CASINO By Eric Waller. 24K. Applesoft. This game will test your sense of time. The object is to amass the largest amount of CASH by guessing the amount of APPLEADIUM you have. APPLEADIUM is a radioactive element that has a half life of 3 minutes. |
AUTOCHECKERS 16K. Integer BASIC. Command is 200.4000R |
AP021* |
BASEBALL By Charles Sullivan. 16K. Here is a HIRES game that is fun for two players. This is computer baseball at its finest. Players take turns at bat and out in the field. Command is 200.4000R |
AP022 |
AP023 |
BATTLEFIELD By Metz and Mahin. 24K. Applesoft. You are the driver of a tank and it is your job to shoot down the enemy in your three passes across the BATTLEFIELD. Watch our for the LASER SATTELITE. Excellent graphics in HIRES. |
* |
BATTLESTAR I By Richard Kaplan. 32K. Integer BASIC. As commander of BATTLESTAR I, your mission is to escape the deadly CYLON MENACE and travel to the furthest quadrant. You start in quadrant OMEGA 1, and must pass thwo BASESTARS and 5 CYLON INTERCEPTERS guarding the quadrant.

AP129 |
AP025 |
BIORYTHM By Paul Lutus. 8K. Integer BASIC. This program uses your birthdate and a forecast date to GRAPHICALLY display your biorythm in COLOR GRAPHICS. |
AP026* |
BLITZKRIEG By Mark Cross. 16K. Integer BASIC. This shoot-em-down HIRES GAME is exciting and fast moving. You are at a large anti-aircraft gun and it is your job to shoot down all enemy aircraft. Command is 200.2000R |


AP027 |
BLOCKADE By Harry Tarnoff. 16K. Integer BASIC. A game for two in which one player tries to box the other one in and make him crash into a wall. |
AP061* |
BOXING / HIRES BOXING 24K. Integer BASIC. Load with 200.6000R |


AP028* |
BREAKTHRU By Gary Shannon. 16K. This is a very popular game. The object is to knock out or BREAKTHRU the layers of wall with a ball you hit with the paddle. Command is 200.2000R |
AP030 |
BUSINESS & FINANCE 32K. Applesoft. |
AP030 |
CAMERA OBSCURA By Robert McNally. 16K. Integer BASIC. This is a low res color graphic game on an 8 by 8 grid. The computer selects 4 squares to hide its pieces and you try to determine where they are with clues given to you by the the (sic) computer as you place RAYS around the perimeter of the grid. |
AP031 |
CANTER DOWNS By Harry Tarnoff. 16K. Integer BASIC. This is an excellent examples or (sic) COMPUTER ANIMATION done in HIRES graphics. Two players jump their horses over fences and race to the finish line. Real time animation. Load with 200.2000R |
AP032 |
AP033 |
CHASE By Harry Tarnoff. 8K. Integer BASIC. You are pursued by a number of computer controlled ROBOTS. As you run from them you move in such a way as to make the robots smash into barriers. |
AP036* |
CLOWNS & BALLONS By ESD Laboratories. 16K. Integer BASIC. Can you position the spring board under the clowns just right so that they can pop the ballons? If you are off, the clown goes SPLAT. HIRES-Arcade game. |
AP037 |
COLOR STARTRAK By Paul Lutus. 8K. Integer BASIC. Here is a low resolution, full color version of the most famous computer game at all time. In this program you pilot the Starship Enterprise through the hostile Klingon forces. Your shots bounce around the galaxy and if you are not careful you can easily destroy one of your own starbases or the Enterprise itself. Command is 200.2000R |
AP039 |
CONEY ISLAND By Richard Nitto. 16K. Integer BASIC. This is a color graphics SHOOTING GALLERY game. Use the paddles and buttons to fire upon the moving duck, two moving targets and an occasional periscope. |
AP040 |
COUNTRY DRIVER By Mark Cross. 8K. Integer BASIC. Test your driving ability on the Apples screen using its color graphics. The object of the game is to drive your car along the winding road without going off the edge. |
AP041 |
CROSS CHASE 8K. Integer BASIC. Two players compete with each other, one trying to catch the other while avoiding obstacles. |
AP133 |
DART ROOM 32K. Integer BASIC. |
AP044 |
DEATH RACE By Bob Andrews. 16K. Integer BASIC. Another example of an excellent HIRES GRAPHIC 'ARCADE TYPE' GAME, DEATH RACE proves to be challenging. You drive your car around and try to run over people moving on the road. When you hit one he disappears and is replaced by a marker. You score points for each object you hit. |
AP045* |
DEPTH CHARGE By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. You are the pilot of a P.T. BOAT, in this HIRES GAME, that drops depth charges on enemy submarines. You normally get 3 passes but if you score over 600 points, you win an extra pass. |

AP047 |
DRAWING BOARD / KALEIDOSCOPE By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. These are TWO programs in one. DRAWING BOARD lets you draw in HIRES on the screen and save the picture. KALEIDOSCOPE produces pretty patterns at random or you can control the pattern yourself with the paddles. |
AP049* |
ECHO 8K. Integer BASIC. By David Kalmich. Echo is a game that challenges both your visual and audio senses. Echo loads in the following manner: 200.2000R |

AP050 |
FLYSWATTER By Jim Mason. 8K. Integer BASIC. A zany adventure in the art of flyswatting, complete with animated closeups of the little darlings. This is a very good lores game. It is you against the computer controlled flys. Your weapon, a FLYSWATTER. Build your efficiency by not wasting swats. |
AP051 |
FOOL'S SPOOL By David Garson. 8K. Integer BASIC. This game is based on a spool with four moving wheels, each of which have eight numbers ranging from one to six. The object is to make each of the eight rows add up to twelve. This is done by moving the wheels independently. This is an excellent game of logic. |
AP052 |
FOOTBALL By Harry Tarnoff. 16K. Integer BASIC. FOOTBALL is a game for two players, each taking turns playing offense against the computer defense. The COLOR GRAPHICS field is a five by ten yard grid. By hitting various keys on the keyboard, the players can move in any direction, pause or kick. |
AP053* |
FOOTBALL PREDICTIONS By Vito Marchione. 16K. Integer BASIC. |

AP054 |
FORMAT VER 1.0 32K. A text processing system called FORMAT is available for immediate delivery from Programma International for use on the Apple II microcomputer system. Commands imbedded in the actual text perform the formatting functions. Twenty-two commands permit control of margins, spacing, indentation, centering, underlining, head and foot titles. An option is available to provide right margin justification. Users with upper case only keyboard and CRT, but with upper/lower case printer can obtain an option designed to generate lower case characters in the printer output. |
00274/AP056 |
FRUSTRATION By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. Here's a real memory tester for you. It is based on one of the MOST POPULAR TV QUIZ SHOWS of the 1960's and early 1970's. FRUSTRATION will demand all of the CONCENTRATION you have to offer. The game board is in HIRES GRAPHICS. The idea of the game is to turn over two game cards at a time and try to MATCH their faces.
Dated 1979. |
AP058 |
GALACTIC BATTLE By Richard Kaplan. 16K. Integer BASIC. ATTACK the ENEMY STARBASE with your SPACESHIP! The base is protected by a number of space pods which, like the STARBASE, can fire at you. The STARBASE is also protected by shields. For your offense, you have both PHASERS and PHOTON TORPEDOS. |
GALACTIC CONFLICT By Gustavo Fernandez and Philip Chien. 24K. Integer BASIC. You are the pilot of a FIGHTER SPACESHIP and you must seek out and destroy enemy ships. Excellent HIRES graphics simulate star flying and space battle. |
AP131 |
GOBLINS 32K. Integer BASIC. |
AP059* |
GUIDED MISSILES By Mark Hahn. 16K. GUIDED MISSILES is a real time high resolution shooting gallery simulation for two players. It is written entirely in machine language. The play is extremely fast. It is as good as most real arcade video games. You won't believe it. |

AP060 |
GUNFIGHT By Jim Mason. 8K. Integer BASIC. You're back in the old west about to meet 10 gunfighters from DODGE CITY. Being the good guy, you may onle fire when the gunfighter starts to draw... CAUTION!!! Each gunfighter is faster than his predecessor. Lo-res graphics and sound. |
AP063 |
HIRES ECHO By David Kalmick. 24K. Integer BASIC. Similar to LORES ECHO, but with HIRES characters and your choice of either random or sequential ECHO. Sequential ECHO adds an additional number to the previous sequence each time you respond correctly. Random ECHO is similar except that a DIFFERENT string of numbers is used after every successful input. |
AP064* |
HOME ACCOUNTING 16K. Applesoft. |
AP066 |
HTEXT 32K. Applesoft. |
AP068 |
I CHING By Phillip Wayne. 48K. Applesoft. This program will cast two figures called 'hexagrams', and it will interpret them according to the ancient Chinese 'Book of Changes' of I CHING. |
AP070 |
INCOME TAX 1979 32K. Applesoft. |
AP072 |
AP073* |
JUMP OUT / SHOOTING STARS By Jim Day. 8K. Integer BASIC. JUMP OUT is a lores HI-Q game. Use your light pen to select a piece to be jumped and the jumping piece. Try to end with only one peg left on the board. Command for JUMP OUT and SHOOTING STARS is 200.2000R. |


AP074* |
KALEIDOSCOPE By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. KALEIDOSCOPE is a hires graphics demo which makes a very intricate kaleidoscopic pattern. The user has control of the color used, control over when the pattern is restarted, and control over how fast the pattern is formed. |

AP075* |
KING By Richard Kaplan. 32K. Applesoft. KING is a challenging of resource management. The problems that face you and you have to resolve are: What is land worth? How much does the average resident eat? How much should be planted? How many acres should be sold? What about population control? How is the population maintained? There is only one way to find out the answers to these questions and many more...
AP077* |
LASER TURRET By Jim Anderson. 8K. Integer BASIC. LASER TURRET is a color graphic game in which you control a movable gun turret, which can fire laser blasts at an enemy. The game can be played by one or two players and with four levels of difficulty. Command is 200.2000R. |
AP076* |
LASERBLAST 16K. Integer BASIC. (c) 1979. Command to run the program: 200.2000R |

AP078 |
LEAP FROG By Jim Day. 16K. Integer BASIC. LEAP FROG is a game of logic in which you move purple frogs to the right and green frogs to the left side of the screen by jumping. The frogs are drawn in hires graphics and the challenge is to move all the frogs correctly in 25 moves. |
* |
LIGHT PEN DEMO A cassette to demonstrate the light pen device. Load with 200.2000R |
AP080 |
AP081* |
LUNAR LANDER By David Strada. 16K. Integer BASIC. A great hires LUNAR LANDER game. Land softly and watch the astronaut plant his flag and then take off. This program is a good example of animation using the HIRES CHARACTER GENERATOR by PROGRAMMA. Command is 200.2000R |
AP082 |
LUNARSCAPE By Paul Lutus. 8K. Integer BASIC. LUNARSCAPE is an interesting version of the popular computer game LUNAR LANDER. In LUNARSCAPE the player not only controls the vertical thrust and horizontal thrust. |
AP083* |
MAGIC SQUARES By David Kalmick. 32K. Integer BASIC. MAGIC SQUARES is a challenging game of logic and foresight with three levels of difficulty, beautifully displayed in hires graphics. The object of MAGIC SQUARES is to manipulate the cubes into a predetermined pattern. Success is your ability to plan ahead. WARNING!! MAGIC SQUARES has been proven to be highly addictive! Magic squares loads as follows: 200.6000R |

AP085* |
MATCH WITS By R.J. Nitto. 16K. Integer BASIC. MATCHWITS is a game much like television's CONCENTRATION. The board containes the letters A-Z and the numbers 1-4. One or two players pick two letter or number combinations. Two shapes then appear behind them. If they match 1000 points are added to the players score, and you get another turn. Match wits loads in the following manner: 200.4000R - You get the manual, an order form and the interesting catalog dated 11/79.

* |
MICRO INVADERS By ESD Laboratory Co. 24K. Assembly language. Similar to the popular arcade game, MICRO INVADERS is an exciting, action-filled, high resolution game that will give you hours of enjoyment whenever you play. The object is to destroy as many Invaders as possible while avoiding their deadly bombs. Load command is 200.4000R

AP087* |
MOTOCROSS By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. MOTOCROSS is a hires game of motorcycle racing. It uses both the paddles to control speed and the switches to do wheelies. The game can be played by either one or two players. |

AP088 |
MOUSE HOLE By Jim Anderson. 8K. Integer BASIC. MOUSE HOLE is a lores graphics game. The object is to find the hole where the mouse is hidden. There are 361 holes and you have to work against clock. |
AP090 |
AP091 |
PERPETUAL CALENDAR By Robert Helmbold. 16K. Integer BASIC. PERPETUAL CALENDAR is a useful program that displays any year's calendar on your television screen. You can quickly page both forward and backward through the months. The program shows holidays and important dates. The program also displays the flower and birthstone of each month. |
AP092 |
AP093 |
PHASOR ZAP By Chris Oberth. 16K. Integer BASIC. PHASOR ZAP is a hires graphics space game in which you fire on enemy ships moving through a star field. If you don't hit them by the time they reach the center of the star field they zap you back. This game has especially good graphics and sound effects. |
* |
PIRATES By Don Graham. 8K. Integer BASIC. The object is to sink the Jolly Roger (skull and crossbones). But, beware... Sir Edwin Denner is the captain of the Jolly Roger and he never misses. You have to choose the right amount of powder to blow the sails off, one at a time, before you can fire the fatal shot. Since Sir Edwin never misses, you have to sink the ship before he blows the base your fortress away.
AP096 |
PLANETS 48K. Applesoft. See the Japan section. |
AP097 |
AP098 |
QUARTERHORSE RACE By Jim Mason. 16K. Integer BASIC. This program allows you and your friends to bet on the horses. There are five horses with different odds. Take a chance on a horse with large odds and win big, or play it safe with low odds. This program takes full advantage of APPLE II'S music and lores animation capabilities. |
AP101 |
RETREAT By Don Graham. 8K. Integer BASIC. RETREAT is a fast color graphics game that uses both paddles. The object is to steer your token through the obstacles before your opponent does. If you make a mistake you must retreat to the very start of the track. |
AP102 |
RICOCHETTE By Craig Crossman. 16K. Integer BASIC. A FLYING SAUCER is flying around you. Can you hit it when it is above you? If you miss, your shot will ricochette around and might hit you. |
AP103* |
SAUCER WAR By Vic Leone. 32K. Applesoft. This Hi-res, two player game makes use of the Apple's paddles and buttons. Each player has a saucer, and tries to destroy his opponent. |
AP104 |
SCRAMBLE By Harry Tarnoff. 16K. Integer BASIC. The scrambled word is "PLPEA." Can you unscramble it within the alloted time? Choose your time--anywhere from 3 to 90 seconds. Fun and educational. |
AP107 |
SIRIUS By Mark Cross. 48K. Applesoft. This is an educational Hi-res Mini-movie. It is a display of Sirius and it's white dwarf and their interactive orbits. Highly educational. |
AP108 |
SPACE WAR By Dick Suitor. 16K. Integer BASIC. This is a super-fast action, Hi-res game. Two players use paddles to manuver (sic) their ships into postion (sic) in order to fire upon one another. |
* |
SPIDER TAG 16K. Load with 200.2000R |
AP109* |
SPEEDWAY By Bob Flannagan. 16K. Integer BASIC. Race down the Speedway in your Hi-res formula racecar. With the game paddles and buttons you steer, shift gears and control the car's speed. Load with 200.2000R |

AP132 |
SPYTREK 16K. Integer BASIC. |
AP110 |
STAR DODGER By Mark Cross. 8K. Integer BASIC. Try to steer your ship past a series of randomly generated stars. This game uses the game paddles to steer and the button to control your speed. |
AP111* |
STAR VOYAGER By Richard Kaplan. 32K. Integer BASIC. You are the commander of a spacecraft and your mission is to get through the outer degenses of a star base, destroy the base, and land back on earth safely. Command is 200.8000R |


AP112 |
STATE CAPITALS By Charles Hearn. 16K. Integer BASIC. This program displays a Lo-res man (sic) of the U.S.A. with each capital of each state plotted on the map. You try to guess the name of each capital. Highly educational. Command is 200.4000R |
AP113* |
STATISTICS 1 By Sherwin Steffin. 24K. Applesoft. This program will give the user the ability to carry on many of the statistical calculations found in FORTRAN driven SPSS programs.

AP114 |
STRATOLASER By Orion. 32K. Applesoft. As commander of a remote outpost at the edge of the galactic frontier. Your duty is to sweep the quadrant for klunkon starships. |
AP115 |
STUNT CYCLE By R. Baizer & H. Tarnoff. 16K. Integer BASIC. This is a real-time action game that tests your reactions and skill. To achive (sic) a high overall score, you must, while jumping busses, race your motorcycle against the clock. |

AP116 |
SUB COMMAND By Jim Anderson. 8K. Integer BASIC. Sink as many enemy ships as you can by firing torpedoes from a submarine, while avoiding their depth charges. The game is in Lo-res and uses the paddles. |
AP117 |
SUB DETECT By Don Grahm. 8K. Integer BASIC. The object of this game is to hit the enemy ship with explosives by choosing its X,Y coordinates and depth. |
AP118 |
SUB VIEW By Jim Mason. 8K. Integer BASIC. You are the Captain of a submarine in charge of policing waters for enemy ships which are disguised as friendlies. Objects--seek and destroy enemy. |
AP120* |

200.2000G to load the game. |
AP121* |
SUPER STARWARS By Bruce Henderson. 32K. Integer BASIC. This is an excellent Hi-res game which starts you from hyper space and moves you into normal space where you try to destroy 32 3-D Tie-fighters. |


AP122* |
TAROT CARDS (ANCIENT TAROT) By Gary Shannon. 16K. Integer BASIC. This fortune telling program can predict what the future has instore for you! You ask the computer a question, it shuffles the 78 card deck. |

AP126* |
TIME CLOCK By Harry Tarnoff. 8K. Integer BASIC. This is a real-time software clock display with alarm. The program keeps track of the date, hours, minutes and seconds. The time is displayed in large numbers in Lo-res. Load: 200.2000R |
AP127 |
UFO By Dick Suitor. 16K. Integer BASIC. Use your one laser to blast UFO's out of the sky. They remain friendly until you attack them so shoot wisely! |
VOYAGER EXCURSION By Eric Popejoy. 16K. Applesoft BASIC. VOYAGER EXCURSION is a HIRES, REAL-TIME, LUNAR LANDING GAME. It is a software on disk, not on cassette. |
AP128 |
WIPE OFF By Harry Tarnoff. 8K. Integer BASIC. A "BREAKOUT" type game, WIPEOFF lets you choose your colors and wipe off all the bricks that are spread out over the screen. |