Merlin 32
(C) 2011-2025 by Antoine VIGNAU and Olivier ZARDINI
> What is Merlin 32 ?
Merlin 32 is a multi-pass Cross Assembler running under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X targeting 8 bit processors in the 6502 series (such as 6502 and 65c02) and the 16 bit 65c816 processor.
It is compatible with Glen Bredon's Merlin 16+ syntax, including support for Macros, Pre-processor, Logical Expressions, Conditional Operations, Variables, Loops, Local Labels...
It can build fixed position object code or relocatable executables (OMF v2.1) as we can find on 16 bits Apple IIgs operating systems like Prodos 16 or GS/OS (S16, Exe, CDA, NDA, FST, PIF, Library, Tool...).
Merlin 32 is part of the Brutal Deluxe's Cross Development Tools Project, a full set of utilities available on Windows (and other) platforms to enable the creation of new Apple IIgs software : 65c816 Assembler, 65c816 Disassembler, 65c816 Simulator, Graphic File Converter, Resource Catcher...
> About Merlin 32It is compatible with Glen Bredon's Merlin 16+ syntax, including support for Macros, Pre-processor, Logical Expressions, Conditional Operations, Variables, Loops, Local Labels...
It can build fixed position object code or relocatable executables (OMF v2.1) as we can find on 16 bits Apple IIgs operating systems like Prodos 16 or GS/OS (S16, Exe, CDA, NDA, FST, PIF, Library, Tool...).
Merlin 32 is part of the Brutal Deluxe's Cross Development Tools Project, a full set of utilities available on Windows (and other) platforms to enable the creation of new Apple IIgs software : 65c816 Assembler, 65c816 Disassembler, 65c816 Simulator, Graphic File Converter, Resource Catcher...
The idea behind the creation of Merlin 32 was not to re-build a Merlin 16+ clone on a modern computer like a PC running Windows, MacOS or Linux. Merlin 16+ is a great software including a full screen Text Editor, a 6502 / 65c02 / 65c816 Assembler, a Linker (including OMF support for Apple IIgs executable), a set of Disk Utilities (copy files, delete files, rename files...), a Disassembler (Sourceror) and much more. But Merlin 16+ is running on a single-process machine (the Apple IIgs) and this is now outdated. You can only perform one task after the other and there is no way to read / edit several source files at the same time (you must save / close the first file before opening the other one). The editor, tailor made for assembly language editing, is limited to 24 lines and 80 columns, in 2 colors. You have to quit the editing of a source code to run it. And if it crashes, you have to restart the operating system and restart everything (starting Merlin 16+, loading the source files...). Because of the Apple IIgs limitations, Merlin 16+ is limited (a source file can't be larger than 64 KB). There is no way to extend it while it is running inside an Apple IIgs and there is no guarantee you are not going to crash the system while you are trying to execute your code (no memory protection due to 65c816 architecture).
It was time to provide a way to continue the Apple IIgs programming with modern tools, on a modern computer. Everyone has its own habits, so there was no need to clone the Full Text Editor. There are many very good IDE that can be used to write 65c816 source code (Eclipse, Visual Studio, ...). You can also use your favorite Text editor (Emacs, PSPad, VSCode...) where several files can be edited together (you can copy / paste from one to the other, split the screen to see several files on the screen at the same time) and the syntax highlighting helps you to read the code (one color per category of items). You can take advantage of the screen resolution (a 23" screen provides a text editor of 55 lines and 230 columns !) and you can keep the source file opened in the editor while you are assembling / linking the program in another window and there is no risk anymore to crash the system while trying to execute the program in the emulator (or in a real Apple IIgs). The speed, even if it is not the core argument for a cross assembler, lets you assemble large projects in a few seconds, instead of minutes (if not hours) on a real Apple IIgs. All the data exchanges are simplified. You can copy / paste source code from a Web Page or a text file and use it directly on your text editor. No need any more to convert the file into a valid Merlin 16+ format (high bit set to 1) before moving it to a disk image and use it under Merlin 16+. Because the source files are now stored on your modern computer as standard text files, you can use Source Control utilities like SVN or GitHub to share your sources, backup them and check for modifications using revision tool.
With Merlin 32, we provide the assembler and the linker to turn the source code (6502 / 65c02 / 65c816) as a binary object (fixed address or relocatable with OMF support). All the edit job has to be done outside (with the text editor). You can assemble and link from a command window or you can use your IDE to associate the assembling syntax to a button. You probably have to work with CADIUS, another cross-development utility, to perform some basic tasks like indenting the source code (in the assembler style) or transferring the output of the assembly process (object code) or the source code into an Apple II disk image (.2mg, .po...).
There are already many cross-assemblers running on Windows capable to assemble 65c816 source code (xa, wla dx, xasm, mads...). Most of them were used to assemble source code targeting the Super Nintendo system (using a 65c816 like the Apple IIgs) or used as extension of 6502 cross assemblers dedicated to Commodore 64 or Atari XL computers. They could be used to assemble 65c816 code for the Apple IIgs but at least two major features are always missing :
Merlin 16+ was one of the two most popular assemblers at the time for the Apple IIgs (the other one was Orca M) and many source codes are written using Merlin 16+ syntax (like our tools & games). We do not have to be compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax just to be able to re-assemble old files. We could have done a source converter to solve that issue. We have to be compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax because we have to make sure that the source code used into Merlin 32 on our PC running Windows could be sent back to the Apple IIgs to be also assembled with Merlin 16+. Even if we do 90% of the job with a cross-assembler, there are always few things that requires an Apple IIgs and its development toolset to build some parts like the Resource ones (menu, icon, about...). We don't say that Merlin 32 is going to replace Merlin 16+ and all the terrific development tools that already exist on the Apple IIgs platform. We say that we can speed up the process of writing code by using 90% of the time the cross assembler and 10% of the time the native Apple IIgs tools like Merlin 16+, Genesys, Iconed, GS Bug... With OMFAnalyzer tool, you can compare the output of Merlin 16+ and the output of Merlin 32 to ensure they both have generated the same object code (fixed address or relocatable) from the same source code.
The capability to build valid OMF relocatable executable files is something that the Super Nintendo cross-assemblers can't provide. The Apple IIgs is the most advanced software environment using the 65c816 processor and because of its operating system, it requires a shared memory system capable to run several programs together in the same memory space. This implies memory management tools, dynamic loading of files, relocatable code, etc. On the opposite side, the Super Nintendo games code runs in ROM and don't have to deal with dynamic allocation or relocatable code.
Due to memory constraints, Merlin 16+ has some internal limitations :
Merlin 32 doesn't have any of these arbitrary limits. You can write your source code as you want but if you wish one day to send back the source code to the Apple IIgs and re-assemble it with Merlin 16+, check first your source code with the list above.
> Command ListIt was time to provide a way to continue the Apple IIgs programming with modern tools, on a modern computer. Everyone has its own habits, so there was no need to clone the Full Text Editor. There are many very good IDE that can be used to write 65c816 source code (Eclipse, Visual Studio, ...). You can also use your favorite Text editor (Emacs, PSPad, VSCode...) where several files can be edited together (you can copy / paste from one to the other, split the screen to see several files on the screen at the same time) and the syntax highlighting helps you to read the code (one color per category of items). You can take advantage of the screen resolution (a 23" screen provides a text editor of 55 lines and 230 columns !) and you can keep the source file opened in the editor while you are assembling / linking the program in another window and there is no risk anymore to crash the system while trying to execute the program in the emulator (or in a real Apple IIgs). The speed, even if it is not the core argument for a cross assembler, lets you assemble large projects in a few seconds, instead of minutes (if not hours) on a real Apple IIgs. All the data exchanges are simplified. You can copy / paste source code from a Web Page or a text file and use it directly on your text editor. No need any more to convert the file into a valid Merlin 16+ format (high bit set to 1) before moving it to a disk image and use it under Merlin 16+. Because the source files are now stored on your modern computer as standard text files, you can use Source Control utilities like SVN or GitHub to share your sources, backup them and check for modifications using revision tool.
With Merlin 32, we provide the assembler and the linker to turn the source code (6502 / 65c02 / 65c816) as a binary object (fixed address or relocatable with OMF support). All the edit job has to be done outside (with the text editor). You can assemble and link from a command window or you can use your IDE to associate the assembling syntax to a button. You probably have to work with CADIUS, another cross-development utility, to perform some basic tasks like indenting the source code (in the assembler style) or transferring the output of the assembly process (object code) or the source code into an Apple II disk image (.2mg, .po...).
There are already many cross-assemblers running on Windows capable to assemble 65c816 source code (xa, wla dx, xasm, mads...). Most of them were used to assemble source code targeting the Super Nintendo system (using a 65c816 like the Apple IIgs) or used as extension of 6502 cross assemblers dedicated to Commodore 64 or Atari XL computers. They could be used to assemble 65c816 code for the Apple IIgs but at least two major features are always missing :
- The capability to assemble source code using Merlin 16+ syntax (directives, macro, expressions, variables...)
- The capability to build relocated object code using OMF format (Apple IIgs 16-bit executables)
- The capability to build relocated object code using OMF format (Apple IIgs 16-bit executables)
Merlin 16+ was one of the two most popular assemblers at the time for the Apple IIgs (the other one was Orca M) and many source codes are written using Merlin 16+ syntax (like our tools & games). We do not have to be compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax just to be able to re-assemble old files. We could have done a source converter to solve that issue. We have to be compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax because we have to make sure that the source code used into Merlin 32 on our PC running Windows could be sent back to the Apple IIgs to be also assembled with Merlin 16+. Even if we do 90% of the job with a cross-assembler, there are always few things that requires an Apple IIgs and its development toolset to build some parts like the Resource ones (menu, icon, about...). We don't say that Merlin 32 is going to replace Merlin 16+ and all the terrific development tools that already exist on the Apple IIgs platform. We say that we can speed up the process of writing code by using 90% of the time the cross assembler and 10% of the time the native Apple IIgs tools like Merlin 16+, Genesys, Iconed, GS Bug... With OMFAnalyzer tool, you can compare the output of Merlin 16+ and the output of Merlin 32 to ensure they both have generated the same object code (fixed address or relocatable) from the same source code.
The capability to build valid OMF relocatable executable files is something that the Super Nintendo cross-assemblers can't provide. The Apple IIgs is the most advanced software environment using the 65c816 processor and because of its operating system, it requires a shared memory system capable to run several programs together in the same memory space. This implies memory management tools, dynamic loading of files, relocatable code, etc. On the opposite side, the Super Nintendo games code runs in ROM and don't have to deal with dynamic allocation or relocatable code.
Due to memory constraints, Merlin 16+ has some internal limitations :
- a Source File can't be larger to 64 KB
- a Source Line can't be larger than 255 characters
- a Label can't be larger than 26 characters
- the Operand part can't be larger than 80 characters
- the number of Externals is limited to 255
- Macros can't be nested to a depth > 15
- Conditions can't be nested to a depth > 8
- Symbol table is limited to 4096 symbols of length less than 12 and 2048 symbols of length 12 or over
- a Source Line can't be larger than 255 characters
- a Label can't be larger than 26 characters
- the Operand part can't be larger than 80 characters
- the number of Externals is limited to 255
- Macros can't be nested to a depth > 15
- Conditions can't be nested to a depth > 8
- Symbol table is limited to 4096 symbols of length less than 12 and 2048 symbols of length 12 or over
Merlin 32 doesn't have any of these arbitrary limits. You can write your source code as you want but if you wish one day to send back the source code to the Apple IIgs and re-assemble it with Merlin 16+, check first your source code with the list above.
If you do not provide any parameter on the command line, Merlin32 displays a quick reminder of the required parameters :
Here are the parameters description :
Few remarks about the parameters required on the Command Line and the software behavior :
During the execution of the process, a progression status is displayed on the screen :
As a result, if everything went OK, you get one binary file (fixed address object code or Apple IIgs specific OMF file). If you want to be sure that the source assembled with Merlin 32 on modern platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux) create the same binary file as Merlin 16+ on GS/OS, you can compare the two result files with OMF Analyzer. If you are assembling a fixed address object code, use the COMPAREBIN command, if you are assembling an OMF file, use the COMPARE command.
If the -V option was enabled, one or several text files (one per segment) containing the output of the assembly process (Cogito_S01_Segment1_Output.txt) are available in the ouput folder :
The output file lets you check the pre-processor job (replace Macros with code, expand Lups, resolve local labels, compute expressions...), the assembler job (addressing mode, A X Y registers size, object code, ...) and the linker job (multi-org directives, addresses to be patched for relocated code, ...).
Here is a quick explanation for the columns available in the output file :
You will also get a Symbols file (Cogito_Symbols.txt) ready to be used by CYRENE for real-time debugging purposes :
Here is a short explanation for the columns available in the Symbol file :
You can visit the CYRENE product documentation page for more details.
Merlin32.exe v 1.2 (c) Brutal Deluxe 2011-2025
Usage : Merlin32.exe [-V] <macro_folder_path> <source_file_path|link_file_path>.
Merlin32.exe [-V] <macro_folder_path> <source_file_path|link_file_path>
Merlin32.exe -V c:\AppleIIgs\Merlin\Library c:\AppleIIgs\Source\Cogito\Cogito_Link.s
Here are the parameters description :
- The first parameter -V (Verbose) is optional. If set, it builds a text file containing the output of the assembly process and the Symbols file
- The second parameter (<macro_folder_path>) is the path of the Folder containing all Macro definition files (*.Macs.s)
- The third parameter (<source_file_path|link_file_path>) is the path of the Master source file or the Link file (preferred) to be assembled
- The second parameter (<macro_folder_path>) is the path of the Folder containing all Macro definition files (*.Macs.s)
- The third parameter (<source_file_path|link_file_path>) is the path of the Master source file or the Link file (preferred) to be assembled
Few remarks about the parameters required on the Command Line and the software behavior :
- If the Windows File or folder paths contains Space characters, quote the path to avoid conflicts (Merlin32.exe -V "c:\Users and Settings\Merlin\Library" c:\Source\Cogito\Cogito_Link.s).
- Any error occurring during the execution of the assembly process is immediately displayed on the screen.
- If you are transferring Source files or Macro files from a disk image or FTP server, make sure you transfer the file as a text file.
- If you are transferring Merlin source file (*.s) from a disk image, you may have to clear the high bit. You can use Cadius for that job (Cadius.exe CLEARHIGHBIT <source_file_path>).
- If you are opening Merlin source file (*.s) from a text file or by getting the code by a copy / paste from a web site, you may have to indent the source to make it easier to read with a Text editor on Windows. You can use Cadius for that job (Cadius.exe INDENTFILE <source_file_path>).
- Any error occurring during the execution of the assembly process is immediately displayed on the screen.
- If you are transferring Source files or Macro files from a disk image or FTP server, make sure you transfer the file as a text file.
- If you are transferring Merlin source file (*.s) from a disk image, you may have to clear the high bit. You can use Cadius for that job (Cadius.exe CLEARHIGHBIT <source_file_path>).
- If you are opening Merlin source file (*.s) from a text file or by getting the code by a copy / paste from a web site, you may have to indent the source to make it easier to read with a Text editor on Windows. You can use Cadius for that job (Cadius.exe INDENTFILE <source_file_path>).
During the execution of the process, a progression status is displayed on the screen :
C:\AppleIIgs\Merlin\>Merlin32.exe -V C:\AppleIIgs\Merlin\Library C:\AppleIIgs\Source\Cogito\Cogito_Link.s Merlin32.exe v 1.2, (c) Brutal Deluxe 2011-2025 + Loading Link file... + Assemble project files for Segment #01 : o Loading Sources files... - Cogito.s - Cogito.Main.s - Cogito.Bout.s o Loading Macro files... - Int.Macs.s - Locator.Macs.s - Mem.Macs.s - Misc.Macs.s - Sound.Macs.s - Tool220.Macs.s - Util.Macs.s o Check for duplicated Macros... o Decoding lines types... o Process local/variable Labels... o Process Asterisk lines... o Build External table... o Build Equivalence table... o Build Variable table... o Process Equivalence values... o Replace Lup with code... o Replace Macros with Code... o Process MX directives... o Process Conditional directives... o Build Label table... o Check for duplicated Labels... o Check for unknown Source lines... o Check for Dum lines... o Compute Operand Code size... o Compute Operand Data size... o Compute Line address... o Build Code Line... o Check for Err lines... o Build Data Line... o Build Object Code... + Link project files for Segment #01... o Build OMF output file... => Creating OMF file 'C:\AppleIIgs\Source\Cogito\Cogito' + Create Output Text file... => Creating Output file 'C:\AppleIIgs\Source\Cogito\Cogito_Output.txt' + Create Symbols file... => Creating Symbol file 'C:\AppleIIgs\Source\Cogito\Cogito_Symbols.txt'
If the -V option was enabled, one or several text files (one per segment) containing the output of the assembly process (Cogito_S01_Segment1_Output.txt) are available in the ouput folder :
------+-------------------------+-------------+----+-------+------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- Line | # File Line | Line Type | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code ------+-------------------------+-------------+----+-------+------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 Cogito.s 1 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | *--------------------------* 2 | 1 Cogito.s 2 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * * 3 | 1 Cogito.s 3 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * COGITO * 4 | 1 Cogito.s 4 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * * 5 | 1 Cogito.s 5 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * Brutal Deluxe * 6 | 1 Cogito.s 6 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * * 7 | 1 Cogito.s 7 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | * Version: 2.0 du 26/08/94 * 8 | 1 Cogito.s 8 | Comment | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | *--------------------------* 9 | 1 Cogito.s 9 | Empty | 11 | | 0 | 0000 | 10 | 1 Cogito.s 10 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | mx %00 11 | 1 Cogito.s 11 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 12 | 1 Cogito.s 12 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | lst off 13 | 1 Cogito.s 13 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | rel 14 | 1 Cogito.s 14 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | dsk Cogito.l 15 | 1 Cogito.s 15 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 16 | 1 Cogito.s 16 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Int.Macs 17 | 1 Cogito.s 17 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Locator.Macs 18 | 1 Cogito.s 18 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Mem.Macs 19 | 1 Cogito.s 19 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Misc.Macs 20 | 1 Cogito.s 20 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Sound.Macs 21 | 1 Cogito.s 21 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Tool220.Macs 22 | 1 Cogito.s 22 | Directive | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | use 4/Util.Macs 23 | 1 Cogito.s 23 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 24 | 1 Cogito.s 24 | Comment | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | *--- Parametres Page Zero 25 | 1 Cogito.s 25 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 26 | 1 Cogito.s 26 | Equivalence | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | Debut = $00 27 | 1 Cogito.s 27 | Equivalence | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | Arrivee = $04 28 | 1 Cogito.s 28 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 29 | 1 Cogito.s 29 | Equivalence | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | proDOS = $e100a8 30 | 1 Cogito.s 30 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 31 | 1 Cogito.s 31 | Comment | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | *-------------------------- 32 | 1 Cogito.s 32 | Comment | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | * Initialisations d'entree 33 | 1 Cogito.s 33 | Comment | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | *-------------------------- 34 | 1 Cogito.s 34 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0000 | 35 | 1 Cogito.s 35 | Code | 00 | | 1 | 0000 : 4B | phk 36 | 1 Cogito.s 36 | Code | 00 | | 1 | 0001 : AB | plb 37 | 1 Cogito.s 37 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0002 | 38 | 1 Cogito.s 38 | Macro | 00 | | 0 | 0002 | _TLStartUp 40 | 1 Cogito.s 38 | Code | 00 | | 3 | 0002 : A2 01 02 | LDX #$201 ; load tool call # 41 | 1 Cogito.s 38 | Code | 00 | | 4 | 0005 : 22 00 00 E1 | JSL $E10000 ; go to dispatcher 42 | 1 Cogito.s 39 | Code | 00 | | 1 | 0009 : 48 | pha 43 | 1 Cogito.s 40 | Macro | 00 | | 0 | 000A | _MMStartUp 45 | 1 Cogito.s 40 | Code | 00 | | 3 | 000A : A2 02 02 | LDX #$202 ; load tool call # 46 | 1 Cogito.s 40 | Code | 00 | | 4 | 000D : 22 00 00 E1 | JSL $E10000 ; go to dispatcher 47 | 1 Cogito.s 41 | Code | 00 | | 1 | 0011 : 68 | pla 48 | 1 Cogito.s 42 | Code | 00 | 2 | 3 | 0012 : 8D D8 AD | sta myID 49 | 1 Cogito.s 43 | Macro | 00 | | 0 | 0015 | _MTStartUp 51 | 1 Cogito.s 43 | Code | 00 | | 3 | 0015 : A2 03 02 | LDX #$203 ; load tool call # 52 | 1 Cogito.s 43 | Code | 00 | | 4 | 0018 : 22 00 00 E1 | JSL $E10000 ; go to dispatcher 53 | 1 Cogito.s 44 | Macro | 00 | | 0 | 001C | _IMStartUp 55 | 1 Cogito.s 44 | Code | 00 | | 3 | 001C : A2 0B 02 | LDX #$20B ; load tool call # 56 | 1 Cogito.s 44 | Code | 00 | | 4 | 001F : 22 00 00 E1 | JSL $E10000 ; go to dispatcher 57 | 1 Cogito.s 45 | Empty | 00 | | 0 | 0023 | 58 | 1 Cogito.s 46 | Code | 10 | | 2 | 0023 : E2 20 | sep #$20 59 | 1 Cogito.s 47 | Code | 10 | | 4 | 0025 : AF 22 C0 E0 | ldal $e0c022 ...
Here is a quick explanation for the columns available in the output file :
Line | Global line number (1 to N). |
# File Line | Source file number (>1 if several source files are involved using PUT directive) and Local source file line number. |
Line Type | Type of source code line : Empty, Comment, Directive, Equivalence, Macro, Code or Data/td> |
MX | Size for M (Accumulator) and X (X and Y Registers).This is helpful to understand if Merlin 32 is assembling 8 bit or 16 bit code. MX values are usually modified by MX directive or SEP / REP opcode. |
Reloc | For relocatable code, you will find here the number of bytes to be relocated and the shift operation performed on the address (>> 8, >>16...). If the label is EXTernal to the segment, the letter E is added in the column. |
Size | Number of bytes used to encode this line. |
Address Object Code | Address (16 bit) of the line. If the ORG directive is used, the first address starts there. If the code is relocatable (REL directive), the first address is $0000. The bytes used to encode this line follow the address. We don't put more than 4 bytes / line. |
Source Code | The source code of the line has been processed (since we got it from source file) : Macros have been expanded, Loops have been exploded, local Labels have been replaced by unique names, Expressions have been resolved... |
You will also get a Symbols file (Cogito_Symbols.txt) ready to be used by CYRENE for real-time debugging purposes :
Segment Name;Segment Line;File Name;File Line;Address;Name;Type;Data Type;Size;MX;Reloc Segment1;78;Cogito.s;66;00/0053;okIT1;Code;;3;00; Segment1;172;Cogito.s;85;00/0098;okIT2;Code;;3;00; Segment1;236;Cogito.s;96;00/00BF;okIT3;Code;;3;00; Segment1;319;Cogito.s;126;00/010D;ozunid_1;Code;;4;00; Segment1;377;Cogito.s;184;00/017D;okIT4;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;386;Cogito.s;193;00/0194;okIT5;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;395;Cogito.s;202;00/01AB;okIT6;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;404;Cogito.s;211;00/01C2;okIT7;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;413;Cogito.s;220;00/01D9;okIT8;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;422;Cogito.s;229;00/01F0;okIT9;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;440;Cogito.s;247;00/023B;okDOC;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;445;Cogito.s;252;00/0249;okIT10;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;454;Cogito.s;261;00/0260;okIT11;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;463;Cogito.s;270;00/0277;okIT12;Code;;3;00;2 Segment1;490;Cogito.s;286;00/029A;okIT13;Code;;3;00; Segment1;495;Cogito.s;291;00/02A0;okIT14;Code;;3;00;2 ...
Segment Name | Segment Name |
Segment Line | Segment Source Line Number |
File Name | Source File Name |
File Line | Source File Line Number |
Address | Address of the Symbol / Offset in the Segment if Relocated |
Name | Symbol Name |
Type | Symbol Type (Code, Data) |
Data Type | Symbol Data Type (ASC, STR, STRL, ADR, ADRL, DA, DW, DS, HEX) |
Size | Symbol Size (in bytes) |
MX | A / XY Registers size (0=16 bit,1=8 bit) |
Reloc | Operand Relocation information (2, 3 ,1 >> 16, 2 >> 8, E 3, ... |
You can visit the CYRENE product documentation page for more details.
> Merlin 32 Syntax
Because Merlin 32 uses the same syntax than Merlin 16+, the easiest way to learn about Merlin 32 syntax is probably to read documentation about Merlin 16+. You can pick up the Merlin 16+ documentation or any assembly book using Merlin 16+ syntax like Apple IIgs Machine Language for Beginners written by Roger Wagner.
The section provides information on writing assembly language programs with Merlin 32. You can skip this reminder if you are already familiar with Merlin 16+.
> Merlin 32 outputThe section provides information on writing assembly language programs with Merlin 32. You can skip this reminder if you are already familiar with Merlin 16+.
You can use decimal, hexadecimal or binary numerical data :
For opcodes accepting both data and addresses, you have to use the # as first character in the operand, in order to specify a data value :
For opcodes accepting only one type of operand (data or address) such as REP, PEA, JSR, MVN, STA... you don't need to add the # but is it always a good idea to insert it when data is involved (REP, SEP, PEA...).
The Apple IIgs recognizes only the following characters (the first one is the Space character) :
A string is a set of ASCII characters enclosed by quotes (') or double quotes (") :
You can encode any ASCII character in a string by inserting before / in the middle / after the Hexadecimal value of the character(s) :
There are many pseudo-opcodes used to define Data Storage (tables...).
A Label is case sensitive and it has to be unique. Backward and forward references are allowed :
A label can't contain any characters less (in ASCII value) than the Zero (Space, !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ', -, ., /). It must begin with a character other than 0 to 9. If you want to keep your source code compatible with Merlin 16+, the label length can't exceed 26 characters.
A label can be used without any Opcode on the line. In this case it has the same address value than the next line :
Labels starting with ] or : characters are defined as Local Labels. Unlike Global Labels, they can be found at numerous places in the source code. Local Labels can't be used inside Macros or with ENT / EXT directives. The first Label in a program can't be a Local Label.
Local Labels starting with ] can only be used for backward branching. They always refer to the closest backward local label with the same name :
Local Labels starting with : can be used for backward and forward branching but their scope is limited by the two embracing Global Labels :
In the output text file created during the assembling process, the Local Labels are replaced by Global Labels (using unique ids ozunid_*) to show how the assembler has resolved the references :
Expressions are built using Data (number, label, ASCII character or current address *) combined with following Comparison / Arithmetic / Logical Operators (lowest priority comes first) :
Beware about the usage of character * because it is both Data (current line address) and Operator (Multiplication).
By default, Expressions are evaluated from left to right, without caring about the operator's priority :
If you want to evaluate the expression using operators priority (=algebraically), you have to enclose the expression with braces { } (parenthesis are reserved for indirect addressing modes) :
Comparison operators (< = > #) return 1 for True and 0 for False.
Here are few examples of common Expressions in Merlin 32 :
The EQU (EQUivalence) directive is used to define constant values for which a meaningful name is desired. A constant name is case sensitive and can't start with a ] character (reserved for Variables, see below). Forward references are not allowed so define your constants before using them (most of the time at the beginning of the program). You can either use EQU or = to define them :
The evaluation of a constant value is done at the definition time. So SHR_SIZE is properly evaluated as 32000+256+512 (=32768) and not as 160*200+256+16*16*2 (=1032704 because of left-to-right evaluation).
Constants can be used anywhere in the Operand field :
A Variable name is case sensitive and always beginning with a ]. Variables are mostly used in Macros and Loops. The first declaration of a Variable is used for its initialization :
It can be redefined (=modified) as often as you need :
Forward reference to a Variable is not allowed, so define your variables before using them.
The LUP directive is used to repeat portions of the source code between the pseudo Opcode LUP and the --^. The number of iterations is defined by the Operand value :
The maximum number of iterations is $8000. The above use of incrementing variables in order to build a table will not work if used within a Macro.
If you want to use Labels in a loop, you have to use a @ character in the Label name in order build dynamic label names :
is assembled as :
The @ is replaced by uppercase letters (Z, Y, X, ..., B ,A). The maximum iteration number is 26.
Conditions are used to build different code based on different situations (6502 / 65c02 processors, 8 bit / 16 bit environments, ROM / RAM context, Macro inner code...). There are two ways to use conditional pseudo opcodes in Merlin 32 :
ELSE is optional but the FIN is mandatory. You can nest DO or IF :
If you want to keep your source code compatible with Merlin 16+, the nest depth is limited to 8 levels.
If the expression following the DO / IF is evaluated as True (everything but 0), the code between the DO / IF and the ELSE (or between the DO / IF and the FIN if the ELSE is not there) is assembled :
The IF ELSE FIN is used to check the status of the M and X bit (size of Accumulator and X / Y registers). M and X bits may be 0 (=16 bit) or 1 (=8 bit) so MX can be 0 (%00), 1 (%01) , 2 (%10) or 3 (%11) :
The IF ELSE FIN can also be used to check the value of the leading character of a variable (mostly used in Macros) :
In the Operand of pseudo Opcode IF, you can use either = or , as separator between the value of the first character (comes first in the Operand) and the name of the Variable.
A Macro is a user-named sequence of assembly language statements. You start the definition of Macro with a MAC pseudo Opcode and you end it with EOM (End Of Macro) or <<< (alternate form). The name of the Macro takes place in the Label column :
In the source code, simply put the name of the Macro as Opcode to call it :
You can use alternate forms (PMC and >>>) to call a Macro from the source code :
During the assembly process, the Macro code will be inserted at the Macro call location :
Because the same Macro can be used several times in the source code, the Macro inner Labels will be replaced by unique names (ozunid_*).
In the Output text files, we let the Macro call visible in the Source Code column and we identify it as Macro in the Line Type column :
Forward reference to a Macro is not possible, so a Macro must be defined before it is called. Usually, you declare the Macros at the start of the source code. You may also write the Macros in dedicated files and include such files using a USE directive :
The Operand indicates the names of the Macro definition file (without the .s extension). By convention, the file name ends with .Macs but it is not mandatory. In Merlin 16+, the Macro definition files are stored in dedicated sub-folders, so you must enter the relative file path (4/Mem.Macs). In Merlin 32, all the Macro definition files are stored in the Macro Folder (second parameter of the command line), so we don't need any longer the subfolder part, we just look at the file name (for Merlin 16+ compatibility, you can let the subfolder path without any issue, it will be ignored).
Macros can receive parameters (up to 8) referenced as Macro variables ]1 to ]8 :
In the source code, add the parameter value after the Macro name, as Operand value :
If you are using PMC or >>> form, you have to group the Macro name and the parameters together in the Operand column :
You can use the following characters to separate the Macro name from the parameters : . / , - ( Space
If your Macro receives several parameters, you have to use the ; as separator in the call :
There is no control of the parameter's value. You can put what you want here (constant, address, label, expression...). The check will be done, by the assembly process, after the substitution.
The Macro variable ]0 returns the number of variables in the parameter list of the Macro call. This lets you create Macros with flexible input using conditional pseudo Opcodes DO, ELSE and FIN :
The conditional pseudo Opcodes IF, ELSE and FIN can be used to distinguish address (or Label) from constant :
A Macro code can call another Macro. If you want to keep compatibility with Merlin 16+, the nest depth is limited to 15 levels :
You can also nest the definition of the inner Macro (MoveWord) within the code of the calling Macro (MoveLong). The final <<< closes the two Macros together.
The MoveLong Macro is assembled as follows :
If your program is supposed to run from a fixed memory address, you have to use the ORG directive at the start of the source code to define the start address. The operand may be 16 bit (for bank $00) or 24 bit :
If ORG directive is missing, the default start address will be $8000 in bank $00.
If your ORG operand is inferior to $0100 or inferior to $000100, the code start address will match with Direct Page (former Page Zero) and all references from $0000 to $00FF will use Direct Page addressing mode :
If your code is supposed to run from $0000 in a bank which is not bank $00, think about giving a 24 bit address as Operand (ex : ORG $030000).
You can use ORG directive without Operand when several ORG are used in the source code, as a RE-ORG to re-establish the correct address pointer after a segment of code which has a different ORG :
If you want to write16 bit relocatable code, you have to use the directive REL at the start of your program :
Merlin 32 will assemble the source code from a virtual $00/0000 address (without Direct Page addressing mode usage) and the object code will be embedded into an OMF file (release 2.1). The output is a program running under Prodos 16 or GS/OS (S16, CDA, NDA, CDEV...).
The following directives are used to include external files into your project or to define the properties of the output files created by the assembly process.
The USE and PUT directives are used to insert the content of a Text file (Source or Macro) at the location of the Directive :
By convention, the USE directive is used to include Macros (*.Macs.s) and Equivalence files and the PUT directive is used to include Source Code files. Because Merlin 16+ source files were limited to 64 KB, there was a need to cut a large source file into smaller ones. Such restriction doesn't exist anymore in Merlin 32 but it is always a good idea to split your project into small independent files (Music, Graphic, Data Compression, I/O, Mouse, Joystick; Keyboard...) so you can re-use some of the files among several projects. If you want to use your source files in Merlin 16+, keep them < 64 KB.
The PUTBIN directive is used to insert the content of a Binary file at the location of the Directive :
The content of the Binary file is transfered in the source code as Hexadecimal data :
The size of the Binary file can be computed inside the source code by using the labels :
Beware, the PUTBIN directive does not exist in Merlin 16+. Merlin 16+ lets you include Binary files during the Link process (you have to use the LNK directive in the Linker file).
The usage of USE and PUT / PUTBIN directives are limited to ONE source file (named Master source file) per Segment : you can't use PUT / PUTBIN directives within a PUT file (same for USE directive). The Master source file contains all the USE and PUT / PUTBIN directives and this is the one we put as source file parameter of the Merlin 32 command line or as parameter for ASM directive in Link file.
The following miscellaneous directives are not often used in Source code, so we only provide here basic explanations for them. Please refer to the Merlin 16+ manual for more details.
An assembly source code is organized in 4 columns :
Merlin 32 is case sensitive for Labels, Macros, Operand values, Variables, Equates... You can write either LDA or Lda for opcode but PushLong and pushlong are not the same Macro !
We can use blank characters (SPACEs or TABs) to define the beginning / end of a column.
Do not bother with indentation when you write your code in a Windows Text editor. Just add few Spaces or Tabs to separate columns. Once the lines have been written (or copy / pasted from another location), use CADIUS to indent automatically your source code :
After processing, the code is easier to read :
Repeat the indent process as many times as you need.
- LABEL : | Contains the identifier name for this line. It can be the label where to branch, the name of a new Macro, the name of a Variable... |
- OPCODE : | Contains the action to be performed by the line. It can be a valid 65816 opcode, a Merlin 32 Directive, the name of a Macro to call... |
- OPERAND : | Contains the parameter of the OPCODE. It can be the operand of the opcode, the Macro parameters, the value of the variable... |
- COMMENT : | Starts with a ; character and contains a text explaining the Line purpose. |
Merlin 32 is case sensitive for Labels, Macros, Operand values, Variables, Equates... You can write either LDA or Lda for opcode but PushLong and pushlong are not the same Macro !
We can use blank characters (SPACEs or TABs) to define the beginning / end of a column.
proDOS memERR memERR1 memERR2 proKill |
mx use = phk plb clc xce rep bcs rts PushWord PushLong PushLong PushLong PushLong _TLTextMount pla jmp dw adrl |
%00 4/Int.Macs $e100a8 #$30 memERR1 #0 #memSTR1 #memSTR2 #proSTR3 #proSTR4 initOFF 1 pTEMP |
; Memory Error ; Pathname |
CADIUS.exe INDENTFILE <source_file_path>
Repeat the indent process as many times as you need.
A valid comment line starts with a * or a ; character. A comment line is never indented and does not have to enter into the LABEL / OPCODE / OPERAND / COMMENT scheme. If the line contains only blank characters like SPACEs or TABs, the line is considered as empty. If the first valid (non blank) character of the line is a ; with some blank characters before, the line is indented and the content is transferred in the COMMENT column.
*-------------------------------------------- *-- Check we have at least 512 KB available *-------------------------------------------- ; _FreeMem ; Memory Allocation okIT2 PushLong #0 ; Ask for Shadowing PushLong #$8000 PushWord myID
You can use all the 65c816 opcodes, with the following standard mnemonics :
Opcodes modifying the Accumulator such as ASL, LSR, DEC and INC have no operand value. Write them ASL, not ASL A.
For Long addressing modes (24 bits address), you can add a L character at the end of the mnemonic :
Few alternate opcodes such as BGE (=BCS) or BLT (=BCC) are automatically recognized as native opcodes.
For Long addressing modes (24 bits address), you can add a L character at the end of the mnemonic :
Merlin 32 handles all the 65c816 addressing modes, with the following syntax :
By convention, some Opcodes like PEA or PER receive addresses (starting with $) as Operand even if it should be constants (PEA $A0A0 stores at the top of the stack the constant value #$A0A0, not the value found at address $A0A0).
The purpose of the Merlin 32 syntax is to remove any ambiguity regarding what the assembly process is supposed to build as output code.
For example, such code is not very clear :
Do we want to load the constant Zero in the accumulator (8 or 16 bit ?) or do we want to load the value located at address 0 (but is it Page Direct $00, Current Bank address $0000 or Long address $00/0000 ?).
The first thing is to tell the difference between Data and Address. Data Operand starts with a # while Address is everything else (numeric value, Label...) :
The only time where Operands could be Data without using the # as leading character is when we build expressions with an even number of Labels. For example, we compute here the number of bytes between two Labels :
For immediate addressing modes (Operand is a Data), we have to figure out if the Operand is 8 bit or 16 bit. The following code :
could be assembled as :
Merlin 32 keeps the status of the M (Accumulator) and X (X and Y registers) bits of the State Register for each line of the source code. In the Output text file, you can see them in the MX column (0=16 bit, 1= 8 bit). The choice between 8 or 16 bit for Data Operand is based on the MX values. You can set the value of the MX bits using the MX directive in the source code. The MX directive uses Operand a value between 0 and 3, usually display using Binary format (%00, %01, %10 or %11) :
Merlin 32, furthermore, analyzes the Source Code for SEP or REP Opcodes and changes the MX values based on the Operand value :
Unlike the REP and SEP Opcodes, the MX directive doesn't change anything for code execution, it only impacts the assembly process. Up to you to control that 16 bit assembled code is called with 16 bit accumulator & registers. MX directives can be mandatory after opcode such as PLP because there is no way to guess what the size of the registers is.
Some Operand expressions may represent values larger than the Accumulator (or Register) size. By using some operators (< > ^) right after the #, Merlin 32 lets you select the bytes(s) you want to keep :
Here is how Merlin 32 chooses among the 3 different addressing modes :
ASL ; A Implicit LDA #$2000 ; #const Immediate LDA $C000 ; addr2 Absolute LDA ($2000,X) ; (addr2,X) Absolute Indexed,X Indirect LDA $2000,X ; addr2,X Absolute Indexed,X LDA $2000,Y ; addr2,Y Absolute Indexed,Y LDA ($2000) ; (addr2) Absolute Indirect LDA [$2000] ; [addr2] Absolute Indirect Long LDAL $E12000 ; addr3 Absolute Long LDAL $E12000,X ; addr3,X Absolute Long Indexed,X LDA $10 ; dp Direct Page LDA $10,X ; dp,X Direct Page Indexed,X LDA $10,Y ; dp,Y Direct Page Indexed,Y LDA ($10) ; (dp) Direct Page Indirect LDA [$10] ; [dp] Direct Page Indirect Long LDA ($10,X) ; (dp,X) Direct Page Indexed Indirect,X LDA ($10),Y ; (dp),Y Direct Page Indirect Indexed,Y LDA [$10],Y ; [dp],Y Direct Page Indirect Long Indexed,Y BEQ LABEL ; relative1 Program Counter Relative BRL LABEL ; relative2 Program Counter Relative Long LDA ($10,S),Y ; (sr,S),Y Stack Relative Indirect Indexed,Y LDA $10,S ; sr,S Stack Relative PEA $1010 ; #const Stack Immediate PEI ($10) ; (dp) Stack Direct Page Indirect PER $2000 ; #const Stack Program Counter Relative Long
The purpose of the Merlin 32 syntax is to remove any ambiguity regarding what the assembly process is supposed to build as output code.
For example, such code is not very clear :
LDA 0 ; ???
The first thing is to tell the difference between Data and Address. Data Operand starts with a # while Address is everything else (numeric value, Label...) :
LDA #0 ; Data (Decimal) LDA #$2000 ; Data (Hexadecimal) LDA #%11110000 ; Data (Binary) LDA 0 ; Address (Decimal) LDA $2000 ; Address (Hexadecimal) LDA %00100000 ; Address (Binary) LDA LABEL ; Address (Label) LDA LABEL+2 ; Address (Expression with Label)
LDA END-BEGIN ; Data (Number of bytes between the two labels)
LDA #1 ; Store 1 into the accumulator
+----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | 11 | | 2 | 8000 : A9 01 | LDA #1 ; A is 8 bit (M=1)
+----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | 00 | | 3 | 8000 : A9 01 00 | LDA #1 ; A is 16 bit (M=0)
+----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | -- | | | | MX %00 ; Assemble next lines with M and X in 16 bit | 00 | | 3 | 8000 : A9 01 00 | LDA #1 ; A is 16 bit (M=0) ... | -- | | | | MX %11 ; Assemble next lines with M and X in 8 bit | 11 | | 2 | 8003 : A9 01 | LDA #1 ; A is 8 bit (M=1)
+----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | -- | | 2 | 8000 : C2 30 | REP #$30 ; Force M and X bits from Status Register in 16 bit | 00 | | 3 | 8002 : A9 01 00 | LDA #1 ; A is 16 bit (M=0) ... | -- | | 2 | 8005 E2 30 | SEP #$30 ; Force M and X bits from Status Register in 8 bit | 11 | | 2 | 8007 : A9 01 | LDA #1 ; A is 8 bit (M=1)
Some Operand expressions may represent values larger than the Accumulator (or Register) size. By using some operators (< > ^) right after the #, Merlin 32 lets you select the bytes(s) you want to keep :
We take only 1 byte from the Operand :
IMMEDIATE 16 BITA9 00 LDA #LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 00 LDA #<LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 20 LDA #>LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 E1 LDA #^LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000
We take 2 bytes from the Operand :
The PEA Opcode acts like an Immediate 16 bit Opcode, even if the Operand is seen as an address (no #) :
When the Operand is an Address, Merlin 32 must figure out how many bytes (between 1 and 3) are used for the address encoding :
A9 00 20 LDA #LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 00 20 LDA #<LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 20 E1 LDA #>LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 A9 E1 00 LDA #^LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000
F4 00 20 PEA LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 F4 00 20 PEA <LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 F4 20 E1 PEA >LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000 F4 E1 00 PEA ^LABEL ; with LABEL = $00E12000
+----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +----+-------+------+--------------------+----------------------------------------- | 00 | | 2 | 8000 : A5 10 | LDA $10 ; Direct Page (1 byte) | 00 | | 3 | 8002 : AD 00 C0 | LDA $C000 ; Absolute (2 bytes) | 00 | | 4 | 8005 : AF 00 20 E1 | LDAL $E12000 ; Long (3 bytes)
Here is how Merlin 32 chooses among the 3 different addressing modes :
By default, Merlin 32 uses the Direct Page addressing mode for any Operand having a value in the range $00-$FF :
A5 10 LDA $10 ; Direct Page (1 byte) A5 E1 LDA LABEL ; with LABEL = $E1
The Absolute address mode is the default on for any Address other than the range $00-$FF. If the Operand is in the range $00-$FF, you can force an Absolute addressing mode by adding any character (except L) at the end of the Opcode :
LONGAD 00 20 LDA $E12000 ; Use only the 2 low bytes of the address AD 00 20 LDA $2000 ; AD 11 00 LDA: $11 ; Force Absolute with : AD 00 20 LDA LABEL ; with LABEL = $E12000 AD 00 20 LDA LABEL ; with LABEL = $2000 AD 11 00 LDA: LABEL ; with LABEL = $11
The Long addressing mode is forced by adding a L character at the end of the Opcode or a > character at the beginning of the Operand :
AF 00 20 E1 LDAL $E12000 ; AF 00 20 E1 LDAL LABEL ; with LABEL = $E12000 AF 00 20 AA LDAL LABEL ; with LABEL = $2000 ($AA is the LABEL Bank) AF 00 00 AA LDAL LABEL ; with LABEL = $00 ($AA is the LABEL Bank) AF 00 20 E1 LDA >$E12000 ; AF 00 20 E1 LDA >LABEL ; with LABEL = $E12000 AF 00 20 AA LDA >LABEL ; with LABEL = $2000 ($AA is the LABEL Bank) AF 00 00 AA LDA >LABEL ; with LABEL = $00 ($AA is the LABEL Bank)
You can use decimal, hexadecimal or binary numerical data :
- Hexadecimal numbers start with a $ : $E12000, $00A0, $BD
- Binary numbers start with a % and can use _ as visual separator : %01100101, %0000_1111_0000_1111
- Decimal numbers don't use any specific prefix : 15, 635, 32768
- Binary numbers start with a % and can use _ as visual separator : %01100101, %0000_1111_0000_1111
- Decimal numbers don't use any specific prefix : 15, 635, 32768
For opcodes accepting both data and addresses, you have to use the # as first character in the operand, in order to specify a data value :
A9 A0 00 LDA #$00A0 ; Load a 16 bit constant numeric data 160 ($00A0) in the accumulator.
AD 00 20 LDA $2000 ; Load value stored at address $2000 in the accumulator.
The Apple IIgs recognizes only the following characters (the first one is the Space character) :
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
48 65 6C 6C 6F ASC 'Hello' ; Using simple quote, the high bit is set to 0 (standard ASCII) C8 E5 EC EC EF ASC "Hello" ; Using double quotes, the high bit is set to 1 (for Text Screen encoding)
ErrorMsgLoad ASC 'Can',27,'t load file !' ; Can't load file, $27 is the hexadecimal value for '
There are many pseudo-opcodes used to define Data Storage (tables...).
HEX define HEXadecimal data
DFB or DB DeFine Byte
DDB Define Double Byte
DA or DW Define Address or Define Word
ADR Define ADdRess - 3 bytes
ADRL Define Long ADdRess - 4 bytes
DS Define Storage
ASC define ASCii text
DCI Dextral Character Inverter
INV define INVerse text
FLS define FLaShing text
REV define REVerse text
STR define STRing with leading length byte
STRL define Long STRing with leading length word
00 01 02 03 HEX 00010203 00 01 02 03 HEX 00,01,02,03 00 01 02 03 HEX 0001,0203
The operand consists of hexadecimal numbers (0-F) having even number of Hex digits (so 0F, not F). They may be separated by commas or may be adjacent. The $ is not required here.
DFB or DB DeFine Byte
0A 0B 0E 0F DFB $0A,$0B,14,%0000_1111 EE DFB LAB+2 ; LAB Address is $FDEC, so LAB+2=$FD EE FD DFB >LAB ; LAB Address is $ FD EC
The operand consists of several bytes of data, separated by commas. It accepts all kinds of numeric formats (decimal, $hexadecimal and %binary) and arithmetic expressions. The low byte of the expression is always taken, except if you use the > sign (get high byte).
DDB Define Double Byte
00 0A 00 0E DDB $000A,14 FD EC FD EE DDB LAB,LAB+2 ; LAB Address is $FDEC, so LAB+2=$FDEE
The operand consists of several two-bytes of data, separated by commas. It accepts all kinds of numeric formats (decimal, $hexadecimal and %binary) and arithmetic expressions. The bytes are placed high byte first.
DA or DW Define Address or Define Word
0A 00 0E 00 DA $000A,14 EC FD EE FD DA LAB,LAB+2 ; LAB Address is $FDEC, so LAB+2=$FDEE
The operand consists of several two-bytes of data, separated by commas. It accepts all kinds of numeric formats (decimal, $hexadecimal and %binary) and arithmetic expressions. The bytes are placed low byte first.
ADR Define ADdRess - 3 bytes
0A 00 00 ADR $0A
00 20 E1 ADR SCREEN ; SCREEN Address is $E1/2000
The operand consists of several three-bytes of data, separated by commas. It accepts all kinds of numeric formats (decimal, $hexadecimal and %binary) and arithmetic expressions. The bytes are placed low byte first.
ADRL Define Long ADdRess - 4 bytes
0A 00 00 00 ADRL $0A
00 20 E1 00 ADRL SCREEN ; SCREEN Address is $E1/2000
The operand consists of several four-bytes of data, separated by commas. It accepts all kinds of numeric formats (decimal, $hexadecimal and %binary) and arithmetic expressions. The bytes are placed low byte first.
DS Define Storage
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DS 8 ; Reserve 8 byte of data, filled with 0x00 EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE DS 8,$EE ; Reserve 8 byte of data, filled with 0xEE A0 A0 A0 ... DS \,$A0 ; Fill memory with 0xA0 values until the next memory page
Reserve space for Operand bytes of data (set to 0x00). You can choose to fill the reserved space with values other than 0x00 by providing a value (or an expression) as second operand. If you use the keyword \ as first operand, the memory is filled until the next page boundary. On relocatable code, the DS \ should only be used at the end of the file.
ASC define ASCii text
48 65 6C 6C 6F ASC 'Hello' ; Using simple quote, the high bit is set to 0 C8 E5 EC EC EF ASC "Hello" ; Using double quotes, the high bit is set to 1
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code. The simple quote is standard Ascii, used in Text files, GS/OS calls, file paths...
The double quotes (high bit set to 1) is used to display Text on Apple IIgs Text Mode screen (Page 1 or 2). The valid characters for Screen display are :
The double quotes (high bit set to 1) is used to display Text on Apple IIgs Text Mode screen (Page 1 or 2). The valid characters for Screen display are :
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
The encoding goes from $A0 (Space) to $FF ( ).
DCI Dextral Character Inverter
48 65 6C 6C EF DCI 'Hello' ; The high bit is set to 0, except for the last character C8 E5 EC EC 6F DCI "Hello" ; The high bit is set to 1, except for the last character
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code, with the last character having the opposite high bit to the others.
INV define INVerse text
08 05 0C 0C 0F INV 'HELLO' ; Inverse works only with Uppercase characters + Special characters 08 05 0C 0C 0F INV "HELLO"
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code, in Inverse video format. The valid characters for Inverse Video are :
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
The encoding goes from $00 (@) to $3F (?).
FLS define FLaShing text
48 65 6C 6C 6F FLS 'HELLO' ; Flashing works only with Uppercase characters + Special characters 48 65 6C 6C 6F FLS "HELLO"
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code, in Flashing video format. The valid characters for Flashing Video are :
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
The encoding goes from $40 (@) to $7F (?).
REV define REVerse text
6F 6C 6C 65 48 REV 'Hello' ; The high bit is set to 0 EF EC EC E5 C8 REV "Hello" ; The high bit is set to 1
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code, in backward order.
STR define STRing with leading length byte
05 6F 6C 6C 65 48 STR 'Hello' ; The high bit is set to 0 05 EF EC EC E5 C8 STR "Hello" ; The high bit is set to 1
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code with leading length byte. Following hex values, if any, are not counted in the length.
STRL define Long STRing with leading length word
05 00 6F 6C 6C 65 48 STRL 'Hello' ; The high bit is set to 0 05 00 EF EC EC E5 C8 STRL "Hello" ; The high bit is set to 1
This puts a delimited ASCII string in the object code with leading length word. Following hex values, if any, are not counted in the length. This is intended for use with GS/OS for Class 1 strings
A Label is case sensitive and it has to be unique. Backward and forward references are allowed :
JSR GET_KEY ... GET_KEY LDA $C000 ; Wait for a key BPL GET_KEY BIT $C010 RTS
A label can be used without any Opcode on the line. In this case it has the same address value than the next line :
GET_KEY ; Wait for a key LDA $C000 ...
Local Labels starting with ] can only be used for backward branching. They always refer to the closest backward local label with the same name :
LDX #$00 ]LOOP LDA TABLE1,X ; Line 1 BEQ NEXT INX BRA ]LOOP ; Branch to Line 1 NEXT LDY #$00 ]LOOP LDA TABLE2,Y ; Line 2 BEQ END INY BRA ]LOOP ; Branch to Line 2 END RTS
LDX #$00 ]LOOP LDA TABLE1,X ; Line 1 BEQ NEXT INX BRA ]LOOP ; Branch to Line 1 NEXT LDY #$00 ]LOOP LDA TABLE2,Y ; Line 2 BEQ END INY BRA ]LOOP ; Branch to Line 2 END RTS |
LDX #$00 ozunid_1 LDA TABLE1,X ; Line 1 BEQ NEXT INX BRA ozunid_1 ; Branch to Line 1 NEXT LDY #$00 ozunid_2 LDA TABLE2,Y ; Line 2 BEQ END INY BRA ozunid_2 ; Branch to Line 2 END RTS |
Expressions are built using Data (number, label, ASCII character or current address *) combined with following Comparison / Arithmetic / Logical Operators (lowest priority comes first) :
< = > # Less_Than Equal More_Than Not_Equal + - Addition Subtraction * / Multiplication Integer_Division & . ! AND OR Exclusive_OR - Unary_Negation
By default, Expressions are evaluated from left to right, without caring about the operator's priority :
1+2*3 is evaluated as 9, not 7 (1+2*3 = 3*3 = 9)
{1+2*3} is evaluated as 7 (1+2*3 = 1+6 = 7)
Here are few examples of common Expressions in Merlin 32 :
1024+$FF ; 1024 plus 255 = 1279 "K"-"A"+1 ; Ascii K minus Ascii A plus 1 = $CB - $C1 + 1 = 11 LABEL+2 ; LABEL plus 2 LABEL2-LABEL1 ; LABEL2 minus LABEL1 = number of bytes between two labels *-2 ; Current address minus 2 #$9F&"A" ; $9F AND $C1 = $81 (Control-A) LABEL1/LABEL2 ; 0 if LABEL1 < LABEL2, 1 if LABEL1 >= LABEL2
The EQU (EQUivalence) directive is used to define constant values for which a meaningful name is desired. A constant name is case sensitive and can't start with a ] character (reserved for Variables, see below). Forward references are not allowed so define your constants before using them (most of the time at the beginning of the program). You can either use EQU or = to define them :
HOME EQU $FC58 ; Clear Screen routine address KDB EQU $C000 ; Keyboard Softswitch PTR = * ; Current address in the assembled source PIXEL_SIZE = 160*200 ; (160 bytes / line) * 200 lines SCB_SIZE = 256 ; 256 bytes (even if we only use the first 200) PAL_SIZE = 16*16*2 ; 16 palettes of 16 colors with 2 bytes / color SHR_SIZE = PIXEL_SIZE+PAL_SIZE+PAL_SIZE ; Total SHR Page size
Constants can be used anywhere in the Operand field :
JSR HOME ; Clear Screen WaitKey LDA KDB ; Wait for a key BPL WaitKey
A Variable name is case sensitive and always beginning with a ]. Variables are mostly used in Macros and Loops. The first declaration of a Variable is used for its initialization :
]LINE = $2000 ; First line address is $E1/2000
]LINE = ]LINE+160 ; Next line DA ]LINE
The LUP directive is used to repeat portions of the source code between the pseudo Opcode LUP and the --^. The number of iterations is defined by the Operand value :
]LINE = $2000 ; Build the Table of the 200 SHR lines LUP 200 DA ]LINE ; Assembled as DA $2000,$20A0,$2140,$21E0... ]LINE = ]LINE+$A0 --^
If you want to use Labels in a loop, you have to use a @ character in the Label name in order build dynamic label names :
LUP 3 KBD_@ LDA $C000 BPL KBD_@ BIT $C010 --^
KBD_Z LDA $C000 ; Each Label has a unique name BPL KBD_Z BIT $C010 KBD_Y LDA $C000 BPL KBD_Y BIT $C010 KBD_X LDA $C000 BPL KBD_X BIT $C010
Conditions are used to build different code based on different situations (6502 / 65c02 processors, 8 bit / 16 bit environments, ROM / RAM context, Macro inner code...). There are two ways to use conditional pseudo opcodes in Merlin 32 :
ELSE is optional but the FIN is mandatory. You can nest DO or IF :
DO 16_BIT ; 8 bit or 16 bit ? ... ; 65c816 opcodes ELSE DO 6502 ; Apple IIe or IIc ? ... ; 6502 opcodes ELSE ... ; 65c02 opcodes FIN FIN
If the expression following the DO / IF is evaluated as True (everything but 0), the code between the DO / IF and the ELSE (or between the DO / IF and the FIN if the ELSE is not there) is assembled :
DO 0 ; Turn assembly OFF DO 1 ; Turn assembly ON DO 16_BIT ; Turn assembly ON if 16_BIT != 0 DO LABEL1/LABEL2 ; Turn assembly OFF if LABEL1<LABEL2 DO LABEL1-LABEL2 ; Turn assembly OFF if LABEL1=LABEL2
IF MX/2 ; Turn assembly ON if M is 8 bit (%00/2=0, %01/2=0, %10/2=1, %11/2=1) IF MX/2-1 ; Turn assembly ON if M is 16 bit (%00/2-1=-1 %01/2-1=-1 %10/2-1=0 %11/2-1=0) IF MX&1 ; Turn assembly ON if X is 8 bit (%00&1=0 %01&1=1 %10&1=0 %11&1=1) IF MX&1-1 ; Turn assembly ON if X is 16 bit (%00&1-1=-1 %01&1-1=0 %10&1-1=-1 %11&1-1=0) IF MX/3 ; Turn assembly ON if M and X are 8 bit (%00/3=0, %01/3=0, %10/3=0, %11/3=1) IF MX!3/3 ; Turn assembly ON if M and X are 16 bit (%00!3/3=1, %01!3/3=0, %10!3/3=0, %11!3/3=0)
IF "=]TEMP ; Turn assembly ON if the first character of variable ]TEMP is " IF #,]VAR1 ; Turn assembly ON is the first character of variable ]VAR1 is #
A Macro is a user-named sequence of assembly language statements. You start the definition of Macro with a MAC pseudo Opcode and you end it with EOM (End Of Macro) or <<< (alternate form). The name of the Macro takes place in the Label column :
WaitForKey MAC ; Define the WaitForKey Macro WFK1 LDA $C000 ; Wait until a key is pressed BPL WFK1 BIT $C010 <<< ; End of Macro
SEP #$30
WaitForKey ; Call WaitForKey Macro
REP #$30
JSR PlaySound
PMC WaitForKey ; Call WaitForKey Macro using PMC (Put Macro Call) >>> WaitForKey ; Call WaitForKey Macro using >>>
SEP #$30
ozunid_1 LDA $C000 ; Wait until a key is pressed
BPL ozunid_1
BIT $C010
REP #$30
JSR PlaySound
In the Output text files, we let the Macro call visible in the Source Code column and we identify it as Macro in the Line Type column :
+-------------+----+-------+------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- | Line Type | MX | Reloc | Size | Address Object Code| Source Code +-------------+----+-------+------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- ... | Code | 00 | | 2 | 8000 : E2 30 | SEP #$30 | Macro | 11 | | 0 | 8000 | WaitForKey | Code | 11 | | 3 | 8002 : AD 00 C0 | ozunid_1 LDA $C000 ; Wait until a key is pressed | Code | 11 | | 2 | 8005 : 10 FB | BPL ozunid_1 | Code | 11 | | 3 | 8007 : 2C 10 C0 | BIT $C010 | Code | 11 | | 2 | 800A : C2 30 | REP #$30 | Code | 00 | | 3 | 800C : 20 A2 80 | JSR PlaySound ...
USE Locator.Macs ; Use Macros defined in the Locator.Macs.s file located in the Macro folder USE 4/Mem.Macs ; Use Macros defined in the Mem.Macs.s file located in the Macro folder
Macros can receive parameters (up to 8) referenced as Macro variables ]1 to ]8 :
WaitForKey MAC ; Define the WaitForKey Macro WFK1 LDA $C000 ; Wait until a key is pressed BPL WFK1 BIT $C010 CMP ]1 ; Check if the Key is the expected one BNE WFK1 <<< ; End of Macro
SEP #$30 WaitForKey #$95 ; Wait for -> key (right arrow) REP #$30
SEP #$30 PMC WaitForKey,#$95 ; Wait for -> key (right arrow) REP #$30
If your Macro receives several parameters, you have to use the ; as separator in the call :
Move MAC ; Define the Move Macro LDA ]1 STA ]2 <<< ; End of Macro ... Move $00;$02 ; Call the Move Macro with two addresses Move #$00;$02 ; Call the Move Macro with one constant and one address Move #"A";(STRING),Y ; Call the Move Macro with one constant and an indexed address
The Macro variable ]0 returns the number of variables in the parameter list of the Macro call. This lets you create Macros with flexible input using conditional pseudo Opcodes DO, ELSE and FIN :
Pull MAC ; Define the Pull Macro PLA DO ]0 ; If a parameter is given (]0 != 0) STA ]1 ; Use it as target address to store the data FIN ; End of Condition <<< ; End of Macro ... Pull ; Pull a value off the stack Pull LABEL ; Pull a value off the stack and store it in location LABEL
PushWord MAC ; Define the PushWord Macro IF #=]1 ; If the first character of parameter ]1 is # (=constant) PEA ]1 ; Push the constant value on the stack with a PEA ELSE ; Else LDA ]1 ; Load the value in the accumulator PHA ; Push the accumulator on the stack with a PHA FIN ; End of Condition <<< ; End of Macro ... PushWord #$000 ; Push a constant value on the stack PushWord LABEL ; Push a value stored at LABEL address on the stack
MoveWord MAC ; Define the MoveWord Macro (Accumulator is 16 bit) LDA ]1 STA ]2 <<< ; End of Macro MoveLong MAC ; Define the MoveLong Macro (Accumulator is 16 bit) MoveWord ]1+2;]2+2 MoveWord ]1;]2 <<< ; End of Macro
MoveLong MAC ; Define the MoveLong Macro MoveWord ]1+2;]2+2 MoveWord MAC ; Define the MoveWord Macro inside the MoveLong Macro definition LDA ]1 STA ]2 <<< ; End of both Macros
LDA ]1+2 ; From MoveWord call STA ]2+2 LDA ]1 ; From MoveWord definition STA ]2
If your program is supposed to run from a fixed memory address, you have to use the ORG directive at the start of the source code to define the start address. The operand may be 16 bit (for bank $00) or 24 bit :
ORG $2000 ; The program will run from bank $00, at address $2000 ORG $038000 ; The program will run from bank $03, at address $8000
If your ORG operand is inferior to $0100 or inferior to $000100, the code start address will match with Direct Page (former Page Zero) and all references from $0000 to $00FF will use Direct Page addressing mode :
ORG $0000 ; The program will run from bank $00, at address $0000 $00/0000 : A5 03 LDA SCORE ; Beware, the Direct addressing mode has been used here $00/0002 : 60 RTS $00/0003 : 00 20 SCORE HEX 0020
You can use ORG directive without Operand when several ORG are used in the source code, as a RE-ORG to re-establish the correct address pointer after a segment of code which has a different ORG :
ORG $8000 ; This code is assembled to run from $00/8000 $00/8000 : A9 00 20 LDA #$2000 $00/8003 : 20 AC 80 JSR SCREEN $00/8006 : 4C 0D 80 JMP NEXT ORG $0400 ; This code is assembled to run from $00/0400 $00/0400 : AD 00 C0 LDA $C000 $00/0403 : 60 RTS ORG ; RE-ORG in $00/800D $00/800D : 8D AE 80 NEXT STA VBL
REL ; Relocatable code for Apple IIgs S16 executable (OMF 2.1 format) DSK Cogito.L $00/0000 : A9 00 20 LDA #$2000 $00/0003 : 20 AC 80 JSR SCREEN
The following directives are used to include external files into your project or to define the properties of the output files created by the assembly process.
The USE and PUT directives are used to insert the content of a Text file (Source or Macro) at the location of the Directive :
USE 4/Int.Macs ; Use Int.Macs.s Macro file definitions USE 4/Locator.Macs ; Use Locator.Macs.s Macro file definitions ... PUT Cogito.Main ; Insert Cogito.Main.s Source file PUT Cogito.Bout ; Insert Cogito.Bout.s Source file
The PUTBIN directive is used to insert the content of a Binary file at the location of the Directive :
Logo PUTBIN Cogito.Logo ; Insert Cogito.Logo Binary file Sound PUTBIN Cogito.Sound ; Insert Cogito.Sound Binary file
Logo HEX 00,12,59,AE,00,11,FE,8C,A9,D4,14,87,CD,DE,9A,6E ... Sound HEX 87,E6,4A,26,41,6E,FF,AE,31,58,2A,F9,6C,D7,28,9B ... End
LogoSize EQU #Sound-#Logo SoundSize EQU #End-#Sound
The usage of USE and PUT / PUTBIN directives are limited to ONE source file (named Master source file) per Segment : you can't use PUT / PUTBIN directives within a PUT file (same for USE directive). The Master source file contains all the USE and PUT / PUTBIN directives and this is the one we put as source file parameter of the Merlin 32 command line or as parameter for ASM directive in Link file.
The following miscellaneous directives are not often used in Source code, so we only provide here basic explanations for them. Please refer to the Merlin 16+ manual for more details.
DUM DUMmy section
CHK place a CHecKsum in object code
DAT places the current DATe in object code
This defines a section of code that will be examined for the values of the labels but will produce no object code. The DUM directive uses as Operand the ORG value of this section :
DUM and DEND are often used to create a set of labels that will exist outside your program; but that your program needs to reference. Thus, the labels and their values need to be available, but you don't want any code assembled for that particular part of the listing.
The DUM and DEND can be efficiently used to describe the organization of the Direct Page (list of variables) :
END END of source fileDUM $E12000 ; SHR Page is located at $E12000 : PIXEL DFB 160*200 ; 200 lines SCB DFB 256 ; 200 SCB used PAL0 DFB 32 ; Palette 0 PAL1 DFB 32 ; Palette 1 PAL2 DFB 32 ; Palette 2 ... DEND LDX #$0000 LDAL PIXEL,X ...
The DUM and DEND can be efficiently used to describe the organization of the Direct Page (list of variables) :
DUM $000000 ; Direct Page is located at $000000 UP HEX 0000 ; $00 DOWN HEX 0000 ; $02 LEFT HEX 0000 ; $04 RIGHT HEX 0000 ; $06 BUTTON HEX 0000 ; $08 ... DEND LDA LEFT ; = LDA $04 CMP #$0001 ...
Tell the assembler to ignore the rest of the source code (including Labels).
CHK place a CHecKsum in object code
This places a checksum byte into object code at the location of the CHK directive. This is usually placed at the end of the program and can be used by the program at runtime to verify the existence of an accurate image of the program in memory. The checksum is calculated with Exclusive-ORing each successive byte with the running result. Of course, such directive can't be used with relocatable program, because the loader is patching the program's addresses in memory at runtime.
DAT places the current DATe in object code
This places the current Date/Time (date of the build) in the object code, as a Text string (High bit Clear or Set). The Operand value (1 to 8) is used to control the Date/Time format and the encoding :
ERR force ERRorDAT 1 ; Date Only, High Bit Set Ascii : "31-DEC-14" DAT 2 ; Date Only, High Bit Set Ascii : "12/31/14" DAT 3 ; Date/Time, High Bit Set Ascii : "31-DEC-14 5:46:12 PM" DAT 4 ; Date/Time, High Bit Set Ascii : "12/31/14 5:46:12 PM" DAT 5 ; Date Only, High Bit Clear Ascii : '31-DEC-14' DAT 6 ; Date Only, High Bit Clear Ascii : '12/31/14' DAT 7 ; Date/Time, High Bit Clear Ascii : '31-DEC-14 5:46:12 PM' DAT 8 ; Date/Time, High Bit Clear Ascii : '12/31/14 5:46:12 PM'
ERR will force an error during the assembly process if the expression has a non-zero value :
This may be used to ensure your program does not exceed a specific length.
ERR *-1/$9600 ; Error if PC > $9600
Merlin 32, like Merlin 16+, can build OMF Application or Fixed Memory Address files through a two steps process (Assemble + Link). Merlin 16+ creates intermediate object files on disk (*.L files) where Merlin 32 does everything in memory and generates directly the output file(s) on disk at the end of the process. The usage of a Link file lets you build complex projects involving several Master Sources files ending up as several Fixed Address Files or one global OMF File :
The choice between OMF or Fixed Address for the output file is driven by the value of the TYP directive found in the Link file. Values from $B2 to $BD indicate OMF file while everything else ends up as a Fixed Address file.
> Code Segment
> Cross-Segment References
> Merlin 16+ vs Merlin 32 Link File
> Building Apple IIgs OMF Applications
> Building Fixed Address Files

The choice between OMF or Fixed Address for the output file is driven by the value of the TYP directive found in the Link file. Values from $B2 to $BD indicate OMF file while everything else ends up as a Fixed Address file.
> Code Segment
A Segment is an object (containing Code or Data) built by the assembly process from a Master source file. The Master Source file can itself include other Source files (using PUT directive) or Binary files (using PUTBIN directive). The size of a Segment can be anything between 1 byte and 64 KB (in order to fit into a 65816 memory bank). If the Segment is containing Code, it can either Relocatable or Fixed Address. The Segment will be found into memory, after the loading process :
Your application will probably contain several Segments. If you are building an Apple II 8 bit application, you will need to break down your code into small size segments on order to fit with the Apple II memory organization in Main Bank (Common free areas are located at $0C00-$1FFF, $6000-$BFFF or $D000-$FFFF. You may also have to assemble a dedicated 4 KB segment for Language Card memory space). If you are building an Apple IIgs application, you will probably use several large size Segments (still <= 64 KB) into memory to store all your Code and Data. If you are building a Fixed Address application, you will get as many files as Segments. The loading of such Segment files into Apple II memory is done by your loader. If you are building an Apple IIgs OMF Application, all the segments will be packed into one single file. The loading of the OMF Segments into memory is done by the GS/OS Loader :
The idea of breaking down your applications into several segments may be driven not only by memory organization constraints but also to ease your code development by bringing some modularity to your project. Imagine you are writing an application and you need to incorporate in your own code a code written by someone else (Graphic Library, Compression Library, Music Library...). When you are going to include such foreign source code to yours, probably using a PUT directive, you may end up with some name conflicts because both your codes have used the same names for different items (Function, Data Area, Constants, Macro...). You could start renaming everything in the foreign code before integration, but you will have to do it again again every time a new release of the foreign code will be published. The best way to integrate such code to yours is to keep it as a separate Segment. So, there is no need to rename anything anymore and you can use the entry points you need by exposing only what is required, and keeping everything else private to the segment. The cross-segments communication mechanism is exposed in the next section.

Your application will probably contain several Segments. If you are building an Apple II 8 bit application, you will need to break down your code into small size segments on order to fit with the Apple II memory organization in Main Bank (Common free areas are located at $0C00-$1FFF, $6000-$BFFF or $D000-$FFFF. You may also have to assemble a dedicated 4 KB segment for Language Card memory space). If you are building an Apple IIgs application, you will probably use several large size Segments (still <= 64 KB) into memory to store all your Code and Data. If you are building a Fixed Address application, you will get as many files as Segments. The loading of such Segment files into Apple II memory is done by your loader. If you are building an Apple IIgs OMF Application, all the segments will be packed into one single file. The loading of the OMF Segments into memory is done by the GS/OS Loader :

The idea of breaking down your applications into several segments may be driven not only by memory organization constraints but also to ease your code development by bringing some modularity to your project. Imagine you are writing an application and you need to incorporate in your own code a code written by someone else (Graphic Library, Compression Library, Music Library...). When you are going to include such foreign source code to yours, probably using a PUT directive, you may end up with some name conflicts because both your codes have used the same names for different items (Function, Data Area, Constants, Macro...). You could start renaming everything in the foreign code before integration, but you will have to do it again again every time a new release of the foreign code will be published. The best way to integrate such code to yours is to keep it as a separate Segment. So, there is no need to rename anything anymore and you can use the entry points you need by exposing only what is required, and keeping everything else private to the segment. The cross-segments communication mechanism is exposed in the next section.
> Cross-Segment References
In Multi-Segments programs, you can use 2 new directives into Source files to refer to addresses located in another Segment of the program :
We define in Segment #2 two global labels, WaitForKey and SHRLineTab, so they can be called from another segment of the same program. We simply add the ENT (entry point for other segments) directive as Opcode of the Labels.
In Segment #1, where we need to refer to these Labels, we declare them as EXT (external to the current segment), at the beginning of the source code. So we can use them anywhere in the source code of Segment #1.
If your are building OMF Application or if the Segments are located in different Memory Banks, you need to use Long addressing mode.
You can use EXTernal labels in expressions, but always using forward reference (EXT Label + Constant), never backward (EXT Label - Constant). You are not authorized to build expression involving several labels, where at least one is External (EXT Label - local Label + 2). You can use the Addressing Mode operators (< > ^) on them :
Merlin 32 will assemble both segments separately and will search for EXTernal labels during the linkage (creation of several Binary files). If an EXTernal label can't be found in the other segments of the program, an error message will be displayed and the whole assembly process will fail. You won't get the Binary files created but you will get the output Text files (one per segment) created during the assembly step.
ENT defines a label as an ENTry label in a Segment. It is 'visible' from the other Segments of the program.
EXT defines a label EXTernal to the current Segment. It is located in another Segment of the program.
The following example shows how the source code from Segment #1 can call a sub-routine or read/write data located in Segment #2 :
EXT defines a label EXTernal to the current Segment. It is located in another Segment of the program.
*-------------------------- * Segment #1 Source File *-------------------------- MX %00 ; 16 bit WaitForKey EXT ; Define EXTernal Labels SHRLineTab EXT ; located in another Segment PHK PLB JSL WaitForKey ; Wait for Key press LDX #$0000 LOOP LDAL SHRLineTab,X ; Get Line Address JSR ClearLine INX INX CPX #400 BNE LOOP ... |
*-------------------------- * Segment #2 Source File *-------------------------- MX %00 ; 16 bit WaitForKey ENT ; Global Read Keyboard Subroutine LDAL $00BFFF BPL WaitForKey STAL $00C010 RTL SHRLineTab ENT ; Global SHR Line Address Table ]LINE = $2000 LUP 200 DA ]LINE ; Assembled as DA $2000,$20A0,$2140... ]LINE = ]LINE+$A0 --^ |
In Segment #1, where we need to refer to these Labels, we declare them as EXT (external to the current segment), at the beginning of the source code. So we can use them anywhere in the source code of Segment #1.
If your are building OMF Application or if the Segments are located in different Memory Banks, you need to use Long addressing mode.
You can use EXTernal labels in expressions, but always using forward reference (EXT Label + Constant), never backward (EXT Label - Constant). You are not authorized to build expression involving several labels, where at least one is External (EXT Label - local Label + 2). You can use the Addressing Mode operators (< > ^) on them :
LDAL SHRLineTab+2,X PEA <WaitForKey PEA ^WaitForKey
Merlin 32 will assemble both segments separately and will search for EXTernal labels during the linkage (creation of several Binary files). If an EXTernal label can't be found in the other segments of the program, an error message will be displayed and the whole assembly process will fail. You won't get the Binary files created but you will get the output Text files (one per segment) created during the assembly step.
> Merlin 16+ vs Merlin 32 Link File
Merlin 16+ and Merlin 32 are both using Link files in order to build complex Applications, but the format of the Link file is not the same for both products. You can't re-use your Merlin 16+'s Link file directly with Merlin 32 but there is always a way to re-write them to end up to the same final result.
Merlin 16+ Link files are like command files, where Merlin 16+ will process each line one after the other (assemble, link, create file..) to end up to one or several output files :
Merlin 32 Link files are more a way to describe the output file structure (Segment Name, Segment Type, Output File Name...). Because Merlin 32 Assembles and Links in one operation, without the creation of intermediate object files (*.L), there is no need to specify both ASM and LNK directives. The only mandatory one is ASM.
If you need to incorporate binary files content into your output file, you have to do it in the Source file, using the PUTBIN directive :
The ORG address of the data and the File Names (DSK) are declared into the Merlin 32 Link file :
The Link File format for Merlin 32 is be fully exposed in the two next sections, for both OMF Applications and Fixed Address files.
Merlin 16+ Link files are like command files, where Merlin 16+ will process each line one after the other (assemble, link, create file..) to end up to one or several output files :
******************************** * Merlin 16+ Link File * ******************************** LKV $00 ; Linker Version ASM S/SBOOT.PRG.S ; Assemble SBOOT.PRG.S source file as SBOOT.PRG.L object file ASM S/INTRO.PRG.S ; Assemble SBOOT.PRG.S source file as INTRO.PRG.L object file ASM S/MENU.PRG.S ; Assemble MENU.PRG.S source file as MENU.PRG.L object file *--- File #1 : Shapes Right ORG $080000 ; Create output File #1 SHAPES.RIGHT with the content of files SHP/MAN*R.SHP LNK SHP/MAN1R.SHP LNK SHP/MAN2R.SHP LNK SHP/MAN3R.SHP SAV GAME/SHAPES.RIGHT *--- File #2 : Shapes Left ORG $090000 ; Create output File #2 SHAPES.LEFT with the content of files SHP/MAN*L.SHP LNK SHP/MAN1L.SHP LNK SHP/MAN2L.SHP LNK SHP/MAN3L.SHP SAV GAME/SHAPES.LEFT *--- File #3 : Program ORG $001000 ; Link at $001000 the following object files LNK L/SBOOT.PRG.L LNK L/INTRO.PRG.L LNK L/MENU.PRG.L TYP BIN ; Output file TYPE is $06 (Binary File) SAV GAME/GAME.PRG ; Create Output Binary File #3 named GAME.PRG **********************************
If you need to incorporate binary files content into your output file, you have to do it in the Source file, using the PUTBIN directive :
*-------------------------------* * Merlin 32 Shapes Right File * *-------------------------------* PUTBIN SHP/MAN1R.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN1R.SHP file content PUTBIN SHP/MAN2R.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN2R.SHP file content PUTBIN SHP/MAN3R.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN3R.SHP file content *------------------------------ |
*------------------------------* * Merlin 32 Shapes Left File * *------------------------------* PUTBIN SHP/MAN1L.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN1L.SHP file content PUTBIN SHP/MAN2L.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN2L.SHP file content PUTBIN SHP/MAN3L.SHP ; Insert SHP/MAN3L.SHP file content *----------------------------- |
The ORG address of the data and the File Names (DSK) are declared into the Merlin 32 Link file :
******************************* * Merlin 32 Link File * ******************************* *--- File #1 : Shapes Right TYP BIN ; Output File Type is Binary DSK GAME/SHAPES.RIGHT ; Output File Name is SHAPES.RIGHT ORG $080000 ; Assemble Source files at Fixed Address $080000 ASM SHAPES.RIGHT.S ; Master Source File for Segment #1 *--- File #2 : Shapes Left TYP BIN ; Output File Type is Binary DSK GAME/SHAPES.LEFT ; Output File Name is SHAPES.LEFT ORG $090000 ; Assemble Source files at Fixed Address $090000 ASM SHAPES.LEFT.S ; Master Source File for Segment #1 *--- File #3 : Program TYP BIN ; Output File Type is Binary DSK GAME/GAME.PRG ; Output File Name is GAME.PRG ORG $001000 ; Assemble Source files at Fixed Address $001000 ASM S/SBOOT.PRG.S ; Master Source File Name for Segment #1 ASM S/INTRO.PRG.S ; Master Source File Name for Segment #2 ASM S/MENU.PRG.S ; Master Source File Name for Segment #3 **********************************
The Link File format for Merlin 32 is be fully exposed in the two next sections, for both OMF Applications and Fixed Address files.
> Building Apple IIgs OMF Applications
OMF files are the core of any executable code on the Apple IIgs system (S16, Exe, CDA, NDA, FST, PIF, Library, Tool...). Each OMF program contains one or more segments. Each segment in an OMF program contains a set of records that provide relocation information and contain code or data. The System Loader loads the code parts in memory and processes the information found in the relocation dictionary to patch the addresses of the code. The code located in Segment #1 is executed. Other segments may contain Code or Data.
Merlin 32 loads all the files involved in the project (Link file, Master Source files, extra Source files...), assembles and links all of them as an OMF program :
The Link file format is very close to the Source files. It uses the same Label / Opcode / Operand / Comment line structure and accepts full Line Comments like in the Source files (* and ;). The prefix is usually .S or .txt and the file is divided into several sections (one for the Program + one per OMF Segment). It has only 3 mandatory directives (DSK, TYP, ASM) :
The directives found in the Link file are used to define the Program settings (File name, Type, AuxType...) and the Segments properties. Some OMF Segment general information like NUMLEN (length, in bytes, of a number field), VERSION (version number of the OMF), REVISION (revision number of the OMF) or NUMSEX (order of the bytes in a number field) receive constant fixed values. There is no directive in Merlin 32 Link file to change their values. Refer to the Apple IIgs GS/OS Reference book (Appendix F : Object Module Format) for full details about data structure definitions and naming convention used in OMF Segments.
The Program directives should be found at the top of the Link file. They should not appear more than one time in the Link file (the DSK and TYP directives are mandatory) :
You need to set the mandatory DSK and TYP (values from $B2 to $BF) directives at the top of the Master source file :
You can't define the attributes of the Segment (DS, KND, ALI, BSZ, ORG, ...). They are receiving the default values. The segment name (SNA) is set to 'Segment1'.
Nevertheless, we always recommend the usage of the Link file, which makes the configuration of the program easier. If you are using A Link file, the Link directives such as DSK, TYP, LNK, SAV found in the Source files will be ignored. Link Files directives always take precedence over the Source Files directives.
Merlin 32 loads all the files involved in the project (Link file, Master Source files, extra Source files...), assembles and links all of them as an OMF program :

The Link file format is very close to the Source files. It uses the same Label / Opcode / Operand / Comment line structure and accepts full Line Comments like in the Source files (* and ;). The prefix is usually .S or .txt and the file is divided into several sections (one for the Program + one per OMF Segment). It has only 3 mandatory directives (DSK, TYP, ASM) :
*--------------------------* * COGITO Link File * * * * Brutal Deluxe * *--------------------------* DSK Cogito ; Program File Name on disk is 'Cogito' TYP $B3 ; S16, GS/OS Application AUX $DB00 ; Desktop Based Application XPL ; Add the ~ExpressLoad Segment *-------------------------- * Segment #1 *-------------------------- ASM Cogito.Main.s ; Master Source File for Segment #1 DS 0 ; Number of bytes of 0's to add at the end of the Segment KND #$1100 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$00=Code) ALI None ; Boundary Alignment (None) LNA Cogito.S16 ; Load Name ('Cogito.S16') SNA Main ; Segment Name ('Main') *-------------------------- * Segment #2 *-------------------------- ASM Cogito.Aux.s ; Master Source File for Segment #2 DS 0 ; Number of bytes of 0's to add at the end of the Segment KND #$1100 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$00=Code) ALI None ; Boundary Alignment (None) LNA Cogito.S16 ; Load Name ('Cogito.S16') SNA Aux ; Segment Name ('Aux') *-------------------------- * Segment #3 *-------------------------- ASM Cogito.Util.s ; Master Source File for Segment #3 DS 0 ; Number of bytes of 0's to add at the end of the Segment KND #$1100 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$00=Code) ALI None ; Boundary Alignment (None) LNA Cogito.S16 ; Load Name ('Cogito.S16') SNA Util ; Segment Name ('Util') *--------------------------
The Program directives should be found at the top of the Link file. They should not appear more than one time in the Link file (the DSK and TYP directives are mandatory) :
DSK Name of the Program file
TYP GS/OS File Type
XPL Add ExpressLoad Segment
The Segment directives are used to define the Segment properties. They should not appear more than one time for each Segment of the Link file. The ASM directive is mandatory, it defines the beginning of a new Segment block and the end of the previous one :
Defines the name (or Path) of the output program file. You can decide to go for a name compatible with Prodos (15 characters long max, starts with a letter A-Z or a-z, may contain Numerics 0-9 or a period .) or go for a file name that match the rules of the modern platform where Merlin 32 is running.
TYP GS/OS File Type
This one-byte value specifies the Type of the file under a Prodos file system. It also defines if your program will use Fixed Address or OMF Format.
The GS/OS file types related to OMF v2.1 program files are listed below. You can define the TYP value by using a byte value (from $B2 to $BD) or one of the following 3 letters Ascii alias :
The Type value is stored in the _FileInformation.txt file and can be used by Cadius during the transfer of the program to the disk image.
AUX GS/OS File Auxiliary TypeThe GS/OS file types related to OMF v2.1 program files are listed below. You can define the TYP value by using a byte value (from $B2 to $BD) or one of the following 3 letters Ascii alias :
$B2 LIB Library $B3 S16 GS/OS or ProDOS 16 application $B4 RTL Run-time library $B5 EXE Shell application $B6 PIF Permanent initialization $B7 TIF Temporary Initialization $B8 NDA New desk accessory $B9 CDA Classic desk accessory $BA TOL Tool set file $BB DVR Apple IIgs Device Driver File $BC LDF Generic load file $BD FST GS/OS file system translator
This two-bytes value specifies the Auxiliary Type of the file under a Prodos file system. Such value is stored in the _FileInformation.txt file and can be used by Cadius during the transfer of the program to the disk image. The default value is $0000.
XPL Add ExpressLoad Segment
If set, it asks Merlin 32 to add a Segment named ~ExpressLoad at first position in the OMF file. This Segment is a summary of all the following Segments available in the OMF file. It is used by GS/OS to speed up the load of the program.
ASM Master source file path to be assembled
DS Number of zero bytes to reserve at the end of the file
KND Type and Attributes
ALI Boundary Alignment
BSZ Bank Size
ORG Origin
LNA Load Name
SNA Segment Name
If you are assembling a small OMF project containing only one segment, you can skip the usage of the Link file and assemble directly the Master Source file :
Defines the file name (or Path) of the Master source file for this Segment.
DS Number of zero bytes to reserve at the end of the file
Specifies the number of bytes of 0's to add to the end of the Segment. This can be used in an object Segment instead of a large block of zeros at the end of a Segment.
The default value is 0.
KND Type and Attributes
This two-bytes value specifies the type and the attributes of the Segment. A Segment can have only one Type byte but any combination of attributes.
The low byte defines the type :
The high byte defines the attributes list :
The default value is #$1100 (Static+Bank Relative,Code). You can't have more than one Jump-Table or Direct-page/stack segment per program file.
The low byte defines the type :
$00 Code $01 Data $02 Jump-Table segment $04 Pathname segment $08 Library dictionary segment $10 Initialization segment $12 Direct-page/stack segment
%0000_0001 Bit 0 : If 1 = Bank-relative segment %0000_0010 Bit 1 : If 1 = Skip segment %0000_0100 Bit 2 : If 1 = Reload segment %0000_1000 Bit 3 : If 1 = Absolute-bank segment %0001_0000 Bit 4 : If 0 = Can be loaded in special memory %0010_0000 Bit 5 : If 1 = Position independent %0100_0000 Bit 6 : If 1 = Private %1000_0000 Bit 7 : If 0 = Static, If 1 = Dynamic
ALI Boundary Alignment
Indicates the boundary on which the segment must be aligned.
The possible values are :
The default value is NONE.
The possible values are :
BANK : The segment is to be aligned on a Bank boundary ($10000) PAGE : The segment is to be aligned on a Page boundary ( $100) NONE : No alignment is needed ( $0)
BSZ Bank Size
Number indicating the maximum memory-bank size for then segment.
For Code segments, the value is $10000 (64 KB). For Data segments, the value is between $00 and $10000 (64 KB). A value of 0 indicates that the segment can cross bank boundaries.
The default value is $10000 (64 KB).
For Code segments, the value is $10000 (64 KB). For Data segments, the value is between $00 and $10000 (64 KB). A value of 0 indicates that the segment can cross bank boundaries.
The default value is $10000 (64 KB).
ORG Origin
Indicates the absolute address at which the segment is to be loaded in memory.
A value of 0 indicates that the segment is relocatable and can be loaded anywhere in memory.
The default value is 0.
A value of 0 indicates that the segment is relocatable and can be loaded anywhere in memory.
The default value is 0.
LNA Load Name
Specifies the name of the load segment that will contain the code generated by the linker for this segment. This is usually left empty. The maximum length is 10 bytes.
SNA Segment Name
Specifies the name of the segment. If this directive is missing, the name of the segment is taken from the Operand of the DSK (or LNK) directive found in the Master source file.

You need to set the mandatory DSK and TYP (values from $B2 to $BF) directives at the top of the Master source file :
*--------------------------* * COGITO * * * * Brutal Deluxe * * * * Version: 2.0 du 26/08/94 * *--------------------------* MX %00 LST OFF REL DSK Cogito ; Program File Name is 'Cogito' TYP $B3 ; S16, GS/OS Application USE 4/Int.Macs USE 4/Locator.Macs USE 4/Mem.Macs
Nevertheless, we always recommend the usage of the Link file, which makes the configuration of the program easier. If you are using A Link file, the Link directives such as DSK, TYP, LNK, SAV found in the Source files will be ignored. Link Files directives always take precedence over the Source Files directives.
> Building Fixed Address Files
Fixed-Address Binary files are used in 65c816 based systems that do not have an Operating System providing dynamic relocation : Apple II running DOS 3.3 or Prodos 8, Apple IIgs running Prodos 8 or Custom OS (No Tools...), the SNES, various 65c816 CPU boards... These binary files are loaded in memory and executed at a fixed address (defined during the assembly process). The binary files contain the object code, nothing else (no header, no checksum, no padding...). If you are using an Apple IIgs running GS/OS, it is more convenient to create relocatable OMF programs (see previous section).
Merlin 32 loads all the files involved in the project (Link file, Master files, extra Sources files...), assembles all of them as several Fixed-Address Segments and links them as several Fixed-Address Binary files :
The Link file format is very close to the Source files. It uses the same Label / Opcode / Operand / Comment line structure and accepts full Line Comments like in the Source files (* and ;). The prefix is usually .S or .txt and the file is divided into several sections (one per File + one per Fixed Address Segment).
The Link file used for Fixed-Address programs defines the ORG Address of each Binary File, its Name (using the DSK directive) and the Master Source files paths (using the ASM directive) :
The File directives should be found for every output Fixed Address files (the TYP, DSK and ORG directives are mandatory) :
Because the output of the assembly process goes to a modern file system (Windows, MacOS, Linux), there is no way to set the file Type and AuxType. You must set them manually while you are transferring the file back to a Prodos disk image (you can also take advantage of CADIUS facilities with its _FileInformation.txt file).
In the previous example, every Segment ends up as a Binary file on disk. You also have the possibility to merge several Segments into one File :
In this case, the ORG address of the Merged Segment starts at the end of the previous one. You only need to define the ORG value for the first segment of the file :
If you are assembling a small Fixed Address project containing only one segment, you can skip the usage of the Link file and assemble directly the Master Source file :
You need to set the mandatory DSK, TYP (values from $00 to $B1 or $BE to $FF) and ORG directives at the top of the Master source file :
The segment name (SNA) is set to 'Segment1'.
Nevertheless, we always recommend the usage of the Link file, which makes the configuration of the program easier. If you are using A Link file, the Link directives such as DSK, TYP, LNK, SAV found in the Source files will be ignored (ORG directives found for RE-ORG usage remain valid). Link Files directives always take precedence over the Source Files directives.
Merlin 32 loads all the files involved in the project (Link file, Master files, extra Sources files...), assembles all of them as several Fixed-Address Segments and links them as several Fixed-Address Binary files :

The Link file format is very close to the Source files. It uses the same Label / Opcode / Operand / Comment line structure and accepts full Line Comments like in the Source files (* and ;). The prefix is usually .S or .txt and the file is divided into several sections (one per File + one per Fixed Address Segment).
The Link file used for Fixed-Address programs defines the ORG Address of each Binary File, its Name (using the DSK directive) and the Master Source files paths (using the ASM directive) :
*--------------------------* * COGITO Link File * * * * Brutal Deluxe * *--------------------------* *-------------------------- * File #1 *-------------------------- TYP $FF ; Prodos 8 / Fixed Address DSK Cogito ; File Name for File #1 ORG $02C000 ; ORG Address for File #1 *-------- Segment #1 ASM Cogito.Main.s ; Master Source File for Segment #1 SNA Segment1 ; Segment Name ('Segment1') *-------------------------- * File #2 *-------------------------- TYP $06 ; Binary File / Fixed Address DSK CogitoAux ; File Name for File #2 ORG $014000 ; ORG Address for File #2 *-------- Segment #2 ASM Cogito.Aux.s ; Master Source File for Segment #2 SNA Segment2 ; Segment Name ('Segment2') *-------------------------- * File #3 *-------------------------- TYP $06 ; Binary File / Fixed Address DSK CogitoUtil ; File Name for File #3 ORG $020400 ; ORG Address for File #3 *-------- Segment #3 ASM Cogito.Util.s ; Master Source File for Segment #3 SNA Segment3 ; Segment Name ('Segment3') *--------------------------
The File directives should be found for every output Fixed Address files (the TYP, DSK and ORG directives are mandatory) :
TYP GS/OS File Type
This one-byte value specifies the Type of the file under a Prodos file system. For a Fixed Address file, the value range must be $00-$B1 or $BE-$FF ($B3-$BD are reserved for OMF Files). You can define the TYP value by using a byte value or one of the following 3 letters Ascii alias :
The Type value is stored in the _FileInformation.txt file and can be used by Cadius during the transfer of the program to the disk image.
$01 BAD Bad blocks $06 BIN Binary $04 TXT ASCII text $0F DIR Folder $19 ADB AppleWorks Data Base $1A AWP AppleWorks Word Processor $1B ASP AppleWorks Spreadsheet $AB GSB Apple IIgs BASIC program $AC TDF Apple IIgs BASIC TDF $AD BDF Apple IIgs BASIC data $B0 SRC Apple IIgs source code $B1 OBJ Apple IIgs object code $BF DOC GS/OS document $C0 PNT Packed Super Hi-Res picture $C1 PIC Super Hi-Res picture $C8 FON Font $EF PAS Pascal area $F0 CMD BASIC command $FC BAS AppleSoft BASIC program $FD VAR AppleSoft BASIC variables $FE REL Relocatable code $FF SYS ProDOS 8 application
DSK Binary File name
Defines the File Name of the Fixed-Address file to be created.
ORG ORG Address of the Binary file
Set the ORG Address of the first Segment of the file.
AUX GS/OS File Auxiliary Type
The Segment directives are used to define the Segments properties of each file. They should not appear more than one time for each Segment of the Link file. The ASM directive is mandatory, it defines the beginning of a new Segment and the end of the previous one :
This two-bytes value specifies the Auxiliary Type of the file under a Prodos file system. Such value is stored in the _FileInformation.txt file and can be used by Cadius during the transfer of the program to the disk image. The default value is $0000.
ASM Master source file path to be assembled
SNA Segment Name = Binary File name
Defines the file name (or Path) of the Master source file for this Segment.
SNA Segment Name = Binary File name
Specifies the name of the segment. If this directive is missing, the name of the segment is taken from the Operand of the DSK (or LNK) directive found in the Master source file.
Because the output of the assembly process goes to a modern file system (Windows, MacOS, Linux), there is no way to set the file Type and AuxType. You must set them manually while you are transferring the file back to a Prodos disk image (you can also take advantage of CADIUS facilities with its _FileInformation.txt file).
In the previous example, every Segment ends up as a Binary file on disk. You also have the possibility to merge several Segments into one File :

In this case, the ORG address of the Merged Segment starts at the end of the previous one. You only need to define the ORG value for the first segment of the file :
*--------------------------* * COGITO Link File * * * * Brutal Deluxe * *--------------------------* *-------------------------- * File #1 *-------------------------- TYP $FF ; Prodos 8 / Fixed Address DSK Cogito ; File Name for File #1 ORG $016000 ; ORG Address for File #1 *-------- Segment #1 ASM Cogito.Main.s ; Master Source File for Segment #1 SNA Segment1 ; Segment Name ('Segment1') *-------- Segment #2 ASM Cogito.Aux.s ; Master Source File for Segment #2 SNA Segment2 ; Segment Name ('Segment2') *-------------------------- * File #2 *-------------------------- TYP $06 ; Binary File / Fixed Address DSK CogitoUtil ; File Name for File #2 ORG $020400 ; ORG Address for File #2 *-------- Segment #3 ASM Cogito.Util.s ; Master Source File for Segment #3 SNA Segment3 ; Segment Name ('Segment3') *--------------------------

You need to set the mandatory DSK, TYP (values from $00 to $B1 or $BE to $FF) and ORG directives at the top of the Master source file :
*--------------------------* * COGITO * * * * Brutal Deluxe * * * * Version: 2.0 du 26/08/94 * *--------------------------* MX %00 LST OFF DSK Cogito ; Program File Name is 'Cogito' TYP $FF ; Prodos 8 File Type ORG $026000 ; Assemble code at $026000 USE 4/Int.Macs USE 4/Locator.Macs USE 4/Mem.Macs
Nevertheless, we always recommend the usage of the Link file, which makes the configuration of the program easier. If you are using A Link file, the Link directives such as DSK, TYP, LNK, SAV found in the Source files will be ignored (ORG directives found for RE-ORG usage remain valid). Link Files directives always take precedence over the Source Files directives.
> Unsupported Merlin 16+ Commands
Even if we have tried to be as accurate as possible with Merlin 16+ syntax, there are a few commands or directives not supported (=ignored) in Merlin 32. The first set of commands which are not supported are the ones linked to the Merlin 16+ editor, the interaction during assembly or the formatting of the listing :
The other thing we have decided not to support is the way the string may be delimited in Merlin 16+. In Merlin 32, the two different delimiters for a string are ' (simple quote = high bit clear) and " (double quotes = high bit set). In Merlin 16+, you can use virtually any character as delimiter. Here are a few examples of valid Hello World strings in Merlin 16+ :
Depending on the delimiters, the result string had the high bit clear (', (, ), + and ?) or set (", #, @, !, ...). In order to simplify the reading of the source code, we have decided to support only simple quotes and double quotes as valid strings delimiters.
The last part where Merlin 32 is different from Merlin 16+ is in the format of the intermediate object files. Merlin 16+ assembles source code files (*.S) into object files (*.L) and link them to build the final program file. Merlin 32 does everything in one operation (assemble + link), so there is no intermediate file available. Merlin 32 can't use existing object files coming from Merlin 16+. You need to provide all the Source files to build a program file. For Multi-Segments OMF file, you will have to write a dedicated Link file. The one previously used with LINKER.XL in Merlin 16+ can't be used with Merlin 32. Most of the Linker directives of Merlin 16+ (LKV, VER, SAV, TYP, LIB, END, OVR...) are not supported by Merlin 32 which uses its own syntax.
> F.A.QAST | send a line of ASTerisks |
CYC | calcule and print CYCle times for the code |
DAT | DATe stamp assembly listing |
EXP | macro EXPand control |
KBD | define label from KeyBoarD |
LST | LiSTing control |
LSTDO | LiSTDO OFF areas of code |
PAG | new PAGe |
PAU | PAUse |
SW | SWeet 16 opcodes |
TTL | define TiTLe heading |
SKP | SKiP lines |
TR | TRuncate control |
EXD | define a label as Direct Page EXternal to the current REL Segment. You can use EXT instead of EXD. |
The other thing we have decided not to support is the way the string may be delimited in Merlin 16+. In Merlin 32, the two different delimiters for a string are ' (simple quote = high bit clear) and " (double quotes = high bit set). In Merlin 16+, you can use virtually any character as delimiter. Here are a few examples of valid Hello World strings in Merlin 16+ :
- "Hello World" - 'Hello World' - #Hello World# - @Hello World@ - !Hello World! - (Hello World( - ZHello WorldZ ...
The last part where Merlin 32 is different from Merlin 16+ is in the format of the intermediate object files. Merlin 16+ assembles source code files (*.S) into object files (*.L) and link them to build the final program file. Merlin 32 does everything in one operation (assemble + link), so there is no intermediate file available. Merlin 32 can't use existing object files coming from Merlin 16+. You need to provide all the Source files to build a program file. For Multi-Segments OMF file, you will have to write a dedicated Link file. The one previously used with LINKER.XL in Merlin 16+ can't be used with Merlin 32. Most of the Linker directives of Merlin 16+ (LKV, VER, SAV, TYP, LIB, END, OVR...) are not supported by Merlin 32 which uses its own syntax.
What's new in Merlin 32 release 1.2 ?
The same source files are assembled without any error with Merlin 16+ but raise errors with Merlin 32. Is Merlin 32 not supposed to be fully compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax ?
Is the Source code of Merlin 32 available somewhere ?
What about Windows 32 bits / Macintosh PowerPC / Macintosh Intel / Linux ARM releases ?
> References
- New format for Link files (TYP directive is now mandatory to differentiate Fixed Address from OMF File and it accepts Ascii alias, i.e. S16 for $B3)
- Build Symbols File for CYRENE
- Support Wrap Bank Boundaries for BRL (previously, a 'Too Long' error may occurred)
- Add extra information for Bad Jumps errors
- MacOS for Apple Silicon support
- Documentation rewrite for Merlin 32 Output chapter + HTML Tags cleanup
- Build Symbols File for CYRENE
- Support Wrap Bank Boundaries for BRL (previously, a 'Too Long' error may occurred)
- Add extra information for Bad Jumps errors
- MacOS for Apple Silicon support
- Documentation rewrite for Merlin 32 Output chapter + HTML Tags cleanup
The same source files are assembled without any error with Merlin 16+ but raise errors with Merlin 32. Is Merlin 32 not supposed to be fully compatible with Merlin 16+ syntax ?
Merlin 32 syntax is strict, and you can face situations where Merlin 16+ lets you assemble invalid source files without displaying errors. For example, Merlin 16+ truncates the Opcodes to 3 characters. So LDAL, LDAd, LDAp end up as LDA and Merlin 16+ accept them. If you try to use invalid Opcodes such as LDAd with Merlin 32, you get immediately an error. You can easily fix such issues by using only valid Opcodes.
Other problems can occur with local Labels starting with ]. Forward references to Local Labels are not authorized. A local Label starting with ] must be defined before being used. But Merlin 16+ won't complain if you make a forward branching to a local label starting with ] if the label is the only one of the source files. Merlin 32 is stricter and enforces the 'no forward reference' rule, so you get an error. You can fix this issue by replacing your local label by a global Label.
The same source code may be assembled in a different ways by Merlin 16+ and Merlin 32 if EQU values are involved :
Merlin 16+ evaluates the EQU very early in the assembling process and replaces the value (BIRD) in the Operand with its value (7). The # is lost, so the LDA 7 is interpreted as a LDA $7 = Direct Page. Merlin 32 evaluates the expressions at the end so the # is kept and the LDA becomes a LDA #7 = Constant value.
As we have seen with previous examples, there are some differences that may raise errors with Merlin 32, but with light modifications (LDA #BIRD instead of LDA BIRD), you can have a source code valid for both environments. Check also the unsupported commands list and think about the String delimiters which are more restrictive on Merlin 32. Always use the Output file to check the object code generated by Merlin 32 from your source file.
Other problems can occur with local Labels starting with ]. Forward references to Local Labels are not authorized. A local Label starting with ] must be defined before being used. But Merlin 16+ won't complain if you make a forward branching to a local label starting with ] if the label is the only one of the source files. Merlin 32 is stricter and enforces the 'no forward reference' rule, so you get an error. You can fix this issue by replacing your local label by a global Label.
The same source code may be assembled in a different ways by Merlin 16+ and Merlin 32 if EQU values are involved :
- Merlin 16+ assembles the previous source code as : | LDA $7 ; Page Direct Address $07 |
- Merlin 32 assembles the previous source code as : | LDA #7 ; Constant |
Merlin 16+ evaluates the EQU very early in the assembling process and replaces the value (BIRD) in the Operand with its value (7). The # is lost, so the LDA 7 is interpreted as a LDA $7 = Direct Page. Merlin 32 evaluates the expressions at the end so the # is kept and the LDA becomes a LDA #7 = Constant value.
As we have seen with previous examples, there are some differences that may raise errors with Merlin 32, but with light modifications (LDA #BIRD instead of LDA BIRD), you can have a source code valid for both environments. Check also the unsupported commands list and think about the String delimiters which are more restrictive on Merlin 32. Always use the Output file to check the object code generated by Merlin 32 from your source file.
Is the Source code of Merlin 32 available somewhere ?
The Source code is freely available in the Zip file (see download section).
It is currently packaged as a Visual Studio 2010 Project set of files. We also provide makefiles for MacOS and Linux. The Source Code is using C Language, so you should be able to recompile it with any other C ANSI compiler.
It is currently packaged as a Visual Studio 2010 Project set of files. We also provide makefiles for MacOS and Linux. The Source Code is using C Language, so you should be able to recompile it with any other C ANSI compiler.
What about Windows 32 bits / Macintosh PowerPC / Macintosh Intel / Linux ARM releases ?
Everything has been done to make Merlin 32 as independent as possible from the Operating System (command line utility, no UI). The source code is written in C Ansi and the only Operating Systems calls have been isolated in a specific file. The current release is available on Windows 64 bit, MacOS Apple Silicon and Linux 64 bit Intel environments because they are the most popular. The Macintosh and Linux ports are available as Binary files (make sure to apply the chmod 755 command to tun the file as executable).
If Merlin 32 file is not working on your configuration, simply download Visual Studio for Windows or gcc for Linux and Mac OS and re-compile the project (make -f linux_makefile). The source files are available in the Zip file and it is the same for the 3 supported operating systems (Windows / Linux / Mac OS). The current source files support Little and Big Endian architectures.
If Merlin 32 file is not working on your configuration, simply download Visual Studio for Windows or gcc for Linux and Mac OS and re-compile the project (make -f linux_makefile). The source files are available in the Zip file and it is the same for the 3 supported operating systems (Windows / Linux / Mac OS). The current source files support Little and Big Endian architectures.
Merlin 16+ documentation by Glen Bredon, Roger Wagner Publishing
Apple IIgs GS/OS Reference, Appendix F : Object Module Format version 2.1
Programming the 65816 - Including the 6502, 65C02 and 65802 by Western Design Center
Le IIgs Epluché written by D.BAR, D. DELAY, Y. DURANT, J.L SCHMITT and E. WEYLAND
ORCA/M 2.0 documentation by Mike Westerfield and Phil Montoya, Byte Works Inc
> DownloadApple IIgs GS/OS Reference, Appendix F : Object Module Format version 2.1
Programming the 65816 - Including the 6502, 65C02 and 65802 by Western Design Center
Le IIgs Epluché written by D.BAR, D. DELAY, Y. DURANT, J.L SCHMITT and E. WEYLAND
ORCA/M 2.0 documentation by Mike Westerfield and Phil Montoya, Byte Works Inc