Tarot was written in 1990 by François Uhrich and the cards were drawn by Jean-François Sauvage. The game was published in France, and in French language only. Now in 2021, thanks to the blessing of François Uhrich, we made an English version of the game for others to have fun with the French Tarot.
French Tarot is a game of cards. Up to four players (human or computer) can play. The Tarot is both an individual and a team game. During a deal, one of the players (the Taker) is matched against the three other players (the Defenders) who form a team. The Taker contracts during the bids that he will reach with his tricks a minimum amount of points. The complete rules can be downloaded at the bottom of that page.
The Apple IIgs version is fun and addictive. The game is animated and the sound effects match the atmosphere of the real game. The game is not protected and is HDD-installable.
For more information, visit https://www.letarot.net/ which also offers macOS and Java versions.