I like that game or the demo of it ;-) It proves that fast animations on the IIgs were possible using different techniques, some of them being explained and used by Lucas Scharenbroich for his Generic Tile Engine.

The 3-level version I have worked with contains main program data (sprites of hero, some basic sounds), all tables (files to load, sounds to play), a few texts (level texts but main texts were missing) and the data for the three levels of the demo. Oh, by the way, let me say that it is not a demo in the SoS sense but the replay mode. Why? The game contains two flags: demo and replay. Demo is the same as with Rastan or Lode Runner. Replay "replays" your moves which have been previously recorded

My program updates
- The game is now hard-drive installable
- The packed images have been replaced with uncompressed screens
- Some sprite creations (see introCLOUD)
- The SODAN and SODAN0 files have been merged into one big file

My data updates
- All the texts have been added (see DATA.TEXT), some have been corrected ("ORDER YOUR COPY NOW" instead of "*** REPLAY ***")
- One sound has been added ("Select hero or heroine")
- Several pictures have been added (I know, I have no talent ;-)

My programming updates
- Comments, comments and naming of routines
- Several routines have been reactivated (the intro and level ones)
- Somes others have been corrected due to bugs

The unfinished routines:
- The introSINUS routine does not work at all
- The introSCORE routine does not work at all
- The joystick handles left and right movements only
- The sprite generator routine has a bug when a sprite has to be generated at the end of a bank (see introCLOUD)
- The replay recording routine is not (but the replay routine is)
- Some other bugs (e.g. fade routines)

What is missing?
- An understanding of the main game loop
- A graphist ;-)
- Spare time

Some sources:
- Site of Sodan, the programmer: sodan.dk
- Longplay of the Amiga version of SoS on youtube.com: longplay

September 2009 (updated August 2010)
Download :

Sword of Sodan - 1600 KB image