The original Cortland documentation as it was distributed (sold) in France. Cortland is the codename for the Apple IIgs. The documentation is a sort-of Vulgate... A big thanks to P.
- Cover
- Technical Introduction to the Cortland (Allen Watson)
- Recommended Reading for Cortland Developers
- Programmer's Introduction to the Cortland (William H. Harris)
- Cortland Programmer's Workshop (Paul R. Black)
- Object Module Format ERS (Lou Infeld)
- Human Interface Guidelines (John Huber)
- Cover
- Apple IIgs Firmware Reference Manual (Rob Peck)
- Vegas ROM Diagnostics (Karl Grabe)
- Chapter 6 - AppleTalk
- Control Panel ERS (Fern Bachman)
- Classic Desk Accessories (John Worthington)
- Conversion Tools (David M. Kampschafer)
- Cortland ProDOS 16 Reference (David C. Bice)
- Finders, Icons and Disks, Oh My! (John Worthington)
- Part V - Appendixes
- Finders Keepers, Users Weepers (John Worthington)
- Cover
- Cortland Hardware Reference (Dave Carpenter)
- Cortland Hardware Designer's Handbook (Allen Watson)
- Schematics (PERITEL/SCART, Sound Glu Fix, Vegas Peripheral Card Sizes, Cortland Block Diagram)
- Notes on Ensoniq DOC (Allen Watson)
- Apple II SCSI Reference Manual Alpha Draft (Steven Ford High)
- Hardware Connectors
- Cortland I/O Timing
- LaserWriter Reference
- Front Desk Bus Specification
- Front Desk Bus ERS
- Cover
- Summary of Tool Set Numbers
- Cortland Tools Reference: Volume I
- Appendix A - Writing Your Own Tool Set
- Tool Locator (Steve Glass)
- Indiana Jones and the Memory Manager of Doom (Rich Williams)
- Cortland Miscellaneous Tools (Ray Montagne & Eagle Berns)
- QuickDraw II ERS (Steven E. Glass & Bennet Marks)
- Appendixes A to D (A: Transfer Modes, B: Hardware Summary, C: Comparison to Quickdraw, D: Fonts and Text in QuickDraw II
- Desk Manager ERS (Steven Glass, John Worthington)
- Event Manager
- Scheduler (John Worthington)
- Sound Tools ERS V1.7 (Gus Andrade)
- Cortland Sound ERS
- An introduction to the Note Synthesizer (Bill Mauchly)
- The ADB uC Tool Set (Peter Baum)
- SANE Tool Set ERS - Apple Numerics (John Worthington & Cheryl Ewy)
- Integer Math Tools (Cheryl Ewy, Steven Glass & Kenton Hanson)
- Cortland Text Tools (Ray Montagne)
- Cover
- Summary of Tool Set Numbers
- Cortland Window Manager (Dan Oliver)
- Cortland Window Manager - Appendix A - Window Calls
- Cortland Menu Manager (Dan Oliver)
- Cortland Menu Manager - Appendix A - Menu Calls
- Control Manager (Dan Oliver)
- The System Loader (Lou Infeld)
- LinEdit ERS (Cheryl Ewy)
- Dialog Manager (Jean-Charles Mourey)
- Scrap Manager ERS (Steven Glass)
- Standard File Operations ERS (Steven Glass)
- Sound Tools ERS REV 1.7 (Gus Andrade)
- Note Synthesizer ERS (Bill Mauchly)
- Cortland Sound ERS
- Cover
- CPC C Release V1.0 D4
- Cortland Workshop C Language Reference
- Cortland Workshop Assembler Reference
- Compiler Conventions
- Dumpobj (Phil Montoya)
- 65SC816 opcodes, Cycle by cycle listing
- 65816 addressing mode and bank crossing
- Description of 65816 flow of control instruction, jump absolute, block move
- Numeric magnetic comp on IIgs
- Opcodes 816, name arranged
- Preserving stack when changing modes
- Programming the 65816
- Columbia AppleTalk ERS - Fern Bachman - v00.00 - 19850612
- Cortland Banks E0 E1 Memory Map - Fern Bachman - v01.00 - 19860515
- Cortland Firmware Preliminary Notes - Wayne Lowry - 19860115
- Cortland Implementation of SmartPort - Ray Montagne - v00.13 - 19860429
- Cortland Memory Manager - James Jatczynski Consulting - Revision 19850607
- Cortland Memory Manager ERS - Rich Williams - Rev 4 - 19860310
- Cortland Serial Ports ERS - Mike Askins - v00.40 - 19860403
- Cortland Unified Disk 1.0 Firmware Control Call Extensions - Gus Andrade - Rev 1.0 - 19860224
- DeskAccessory Manager and Switcher ERS - Fern Bachman - v00.00 - 19850617
- Disk Support ERS - Gus Andrade and Ray Montagne - v00.10 - 19851106
- Front Desk Bus ERS - Peter Baum - v02.50 - 19851024
- HeartBeat Interrupt Handler - Ray Montagne - v00.10 - 19860102
- Mouse ERS - Fern Bachman - v00.10 - 19850715
- Scheduler - John Worthington - v00.20 - 19860415
- SmartPort Extensions - Ray Montagne - v00.20 - 19860317
- The ADB uC Tool Set - Peter Baum - Rev 1.1 - 19860515
- The FDB uC Tool Set - Peter Baum - Rev 1.0 - 19860312
- Tools Overview and Notes - Fern Bachman - v00.00 - 19850617
- Vegas ROM Diagnostics - Karl Grabe - v00.30 - 19860416
- Apple II Console and Keyboard Tools - 198608
- Classic Desk Accessories - John Worthington - v00.10 - 19860109
- Control Manager - Dan Oliver - Initial release - 19860220
- Cortland Menu Manager - Appendix A Menu Calls - Dan Oliver - 19860508
- Cortland Menu Manager - Dan Oliver - 19860508
- Cortland Miscellaneous Tools - Ray Montagne and Eagle Berns - v0.86 - 19860509
- Cortland SANE Tool Set ERS - CR Lewis - v0.02 - 19851212
- Cortland SANE Tool Set Preliminary Note - Don Reed - v0.00 - 19860116
- Cortland Text Tools - Ray Montagne - v0.15 - 19860518
- Cortland Tools - A summary - Eagle Berns and Steven Glass - 19860112
- Cortland Tools - A summary - Eagle Berns and Steven Glass and John Worthington - 19860310
- Cortland Window Manager - Dan Oliver - Initial release 19860130
- Description of the Cortland Tools Part I Preliminary Notes - Willam Harris - 19860130
- Event Manager ERS - Cheryl Ewy - v00.40 - 19860304
- Integer Math Tools - Cheryl Ewy and Steven Glass - v00.20 - 19860509
- QuickDraw II ERS - Steven Glass and Bennet Marks - 19860425
- Release Notes for Beta 2.0 Tools ROM - 19860424
- The Tool Locator ERS - Steven Glass - Revised 19860219
- Using and Writing Cortland Tools Preliminary Notes - William Harris - 19860116
- Writing Your Own Tool Set - A Summary of Information from the Tool Locator ERS - Steven Glass - 19860218
- Additions Replacements Cortland Seeding - Vegas peripheral card sizes - 19860530
- APDALog - APDA France - 19891001
- APDALog - APDA France - 19900315
- Binder 2
- Cortland Block Diagram - 19850808
- Cortland Custom ICs - Wayne Lowry - Preliminary notes - 19860214
- Cortland Diagnostics Alpha Test - Ross Lemcke - 19860709
- Cortland Hardware connectors - 19850125
- Cortland Hardware Designer's Handbook - Allen Watson - Preliminary Notes - 19860217
- Cortland IO timing - 19851104
- Cortland VGC Scart Sound glu fix
- Debug816 - Cortland Debugger Draft - 19860504 (empty)
- Front Desk Bus Specifications - 062-0267 Rev B - 19850916
- Inscription conference - Apple Computer France - 0620
- Lettre aux developpeurs - Apple Computer France - 19860904
- Lettre aux developpeurs - Apple Computer France - 19861113
- Lettre d'adhesion - Club Apple - 19870707
- Marketing Materials - Apple Computer - 1986
- Mise a niveau Apple IIgs - Apple Computer France - 19880107
- Project Cortland - Apple Computer France - 1986
- Project Cortland - Apple Computer France - 198606
- Project Cortland - Apple Computer France - 198608
- Project Cortland - Apple Computer France - 19860804
- System Disk Release 2 - Eagle Berns - 19860716