© 1986 Paradox / Eidersoft
Wecome to AppleIIgs Karate. To gain your way into the upper sect of the holy order, something your father always wanted of you, you must beat many opponents. Your journey will be a difficult one with the finest fighters in the land trying to stop you. From time to time, you may be required to perform tests to prove your purity of mind and body.
May I wish you much luck in your quest and hope that your joystick will last many moons!
To Install AppleIIgsKarate on a hard drive, create a AppleIIgsKarate folder on your hard drive and copy the content of the disk into it. To run AppleIIgsKarate from your hard drive, double click on the AppleIIgsKarate directory icon on your hard drive then double click on the AppleIIgsKarate Icon. |
When the game has loaded, you will be presented with the options page. To change any of the options use the arrow keys and make your choice with the ENTER key.
In single player mode you must fight against a computer controlled opponent through many levels of increasing difficulty. From time to time you may be required to perform tests of strength. In two player mode each player begins with the same amount of energy. The contest is over when one player loses all of his energy. There is no score in two player mode. |
You must fight your way through many screens, pitting your skills against opponents, who get progressively harder to beat. You are the blue player and opponents are red. Later in your quest watch out for other events, these may help you... or cause hindrance. You and your opponents start with a certain amount of energy, shown at the top of the screen by coloured bars (your energy level is the blue bar). Every hit you take reduces your energy by an amount dependant on the hit. When you run out of energy you lose one of your three lives (additional lives are obtained at certain scores). When the game has loaded, you will be presented with the options page. To start the game, hi-light the 'START GAME' option and press the ENTER key. Hi-lighting other options and pressing ENTER key will change aspects of the game. |
You execute a movement by the using one of the following input devices:
From Stand-up position:
From Crouch position:
The directions shown are when your player is facing to the right. The controls are mirrored (vertically) when facing left, e.g joystick moves you right. etc. |
The game will come to end after you have lost three lives or if you press ESC key. To quit the game, simply select 'EXIT PROGRAM' from the options page. You will be sent back to the Finder. |
You can pause the game at any time by pressing the 'P' key on the keyboard. To continue to play, press any key and the game will resume. |
You can toggle the audio off and on by pressing the 'A' key on the keyboard. |

System Requirements: | Apple IIgs ROM 01/3 with 1.5 MB RAM, hard drive, System 6.0.1 |

.PO/.2MG Hard Drive image (1 MB)