Original software on Apple IIgs by Antoine VIGNAU and Olivier ZARDINI in 1995 as Freeware.

    It lets you create new levels for the game The Tinies.

    Technical information about the software :

    - 11800 Assembly lines,
    - 4 months of development,
    - Ability to play during level construction,
    - New human graphic interface (fast and intuitive),
    - Cut / Paste available between levels,
    - Use of high color pictures (converted with Convert 3200),
    - Boot screen from Atreid Concept's Furies game,
    - 'Junkie' music girl by Dizzy,
    - Comes with 20 original new levels for Tinies,
    - GS/OS Compatible, Hard drive installable.

    Few game screen shots :

    Download :

    800 KB image