(c) 1986-1987, Froggy Software
More than a traditional computer game, Canal Meurtre is above all an interactive comic strip. Leaf through it at your own pace and try to solve the enigma it offersfet
The theme
Attached to your TV like an infant to its pacifier, you enjoy cozy evenings in the calm of your apartment.
However, tonight, the incredible has just happened: your favorite journalist has been murdered!
Your investigative skills overcoming your acute flemmingitis, you decide to take action.
But not too much is needed, and so as not to tire your viewer's heart, it is from your home that you will conduct your investigations.
Switch off your bedside lamp, switch on your receiver and enter the very closed world of a television channel.
All shots are allowed to discover the culprit(s). It's up to you to make the best use of: your sagacity, your Apple IIgs mouse, your intuitions and chance!
How to start
Turn on the TV (the bedside lamp turns off automatically to better let you follow the show). You then find yourself in the radio house where the journalist was murdered. It's up to you to find out under what circumstances.
For each table, choices are offered below the chest of drawers. Click in the buttons to move, to validate an action or the reading of a text.
The game will sometimes ask you for information or clues. Type them directly on the keyboard and click to validate them.
The keys
- open-apple-O: load a game from the diskette
- open-apple-Q: quit the game
- open-apple-R: start a new game
- open-apple-S: save a game on diskette
- open-apple-Z: play/stop the music
The authors
Frédéric Copet lives in a large house near the French city of Reims. He shares his occupations between computers, telematics, leather work, motocross, mechanics, carpentry, gardening, shoemaking and blacksmithing. Frédéric Copet is therefore an extra-terrestrial.
Jean Solé also lives in a large house near Reims. He shares his occupations between comics, computers, posters, magazine covers, book covers, software covers, exhibitions, record covers, illustrations for children, for adults, for those who do politics. He also takes care of the Beatles, and his collection of Whiskey bottle models. Jean Solé is therefore an extra-terrestrial.
The house of Frédéric Copet and that of Jean Solé are about ten kilometers apart. Sometimes one of them takes his flying saucer to visit the other.
The French Mac version dates from 1986 and was published in 1987.
The authors had produced the German and Spanish versions which were never published.
We took the opportunity to create the English version.
The Apple IIgs version is thus available in German, English, Spanish, and French.
Can you translate, please?
In case you're lost with the different languages and the associated rooms:
- Canal Meurtre / Channel Murder / Fernsehkrimi / Canal Misterio
- Réception / Lobby / Empfang / Recepción
- Cantine / Canteen / Kantine / Cantina
- Archives / Archive room / Archiv / Archivo
- Costumes / Costume room / Kostüme / Vestuario
- Décors / Scenery room / Bühnendekoration / Escenografía
- Rédaction / Newsroom / Redaktion / Redacción
- Studio A / Studio A / Studio A / Estudio A
- Studio B / Studio B / Studio B / Estudio B
- Maquillage / Makeup room / Maske / Maquillaje
- Régie / Control room / Regie / Dirección
- Montage / Editing room / Schnitt / Edición
- Speak-Room / Speak-Room / Tontechnik / Cabina de sonido
The game is dedicated to the memory of Jean Vignau (Antoine's father) (1941-2022) |

.2mg disk image (800KB, multilingual)