- Apple programs
- Documentations
- Creative visual
- Hypermedia
- Games
- Music
- System
- Utilities
- Apple IIgs ROM 01 or 3, cd-rom 1x or 2x speed with the associated extensions. Some software require the use of System 6.0.1.
- The disc is in HFS and can be played on a IIgs or a Macintosh computer.
- The shareware on this disc must be paid to their respective authors.
DeluxeWare is the first French cd-rom dedicated to the Apple IIgs. The disk was entirely created by Olivier and was sold in January 1996. It was priced FRF 200 or EUR 30. It contains 650 MB of public domain software:
The required configuration is:

Download DeluxeWare.dmg disk:

ZIP archive (311.5 MiB)
Alternative Dropbox link (if you have troubles downloading the image)